Notices by Pride of Utopia (, page 3
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 31-Oct-2024 02:38:08 JST Pride of Utopia @Wolffkran @TimeSpent @Red_Hat @Rasterman Oh nice I love protarded hillbilly superstitions. What statue would that be? -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 31-Oct-2024 02:38:07 JST Pride of Utopia @Wolffkran @TimeSpent @Red_Hat @Rasterman,in%20the%20Garden%20of%20Gethsemane. -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 31-Oct-2024 02:38:06 JST Pride of Utopia @Wolffkran @TimeSpent @Red_Hat @Rasterman I know Protestants love lying and making things up but I actually read it and that isn't what it says -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Wednesday, 30-Oct-2024 11:23:32 JST Pride of Utopia @MisterLister @Dicer @cowanon When Jesus died, he didn't leave behind 12 apostles who he ordained to found and lead his church
He left behind the king James Bible (for people who couldn't read) and a book of coupons for golden corral -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Tuesday, 29-Oct-2024 13:47:26 JST Pride of Utopia @MisterLister @Goalkeeper Catholics get anime. Protestants get cal arts -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Tuesday, 29-Oct-2024 02:57:37 JST Pride of Utopia @LostShakerOfSalt @synapsid I've never enjoyed football, so I may be mistaken, but isn't a "pick 6" when the defender gets an interception then scores a TD versus a set play called out of a huddle? -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Monday, 28-Oct-2024 22:24:36 JST Pride of Utopia Think I'm gonna go kick it over on Facebook at Libertarian Guys With Asian Wives until this yiik stuff blows over -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Monday, 28-Oct-2024 22:10:01 JST Pride of Utopia @jimmybuffettfanaccount @DrRyanSkelton I just think it's really neat how it has a cozy childlike aesthetic but it's really about depression and stuff
No one has ever done that -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Monday, 28-Oct-2024 08:49:42 JST Pride of Utopia Cant overstate how much classic rock sucks -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Saturday, 26-Oct-2024 07:04:07 JST Pride of Utopia I have a theory judge dredd is a woman cause he likes star wars and star wars is for little girls -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Saturday, 26-Oct-2024 01:33:37 JST Pride of Utopia @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Rasterman @Shlomo My cousin works as a contractor for the DOD and he's been at the embassy in Lebanon for a recent assignment. I asked him about the blurred lines between hezbollah and the Lebanese military and he said Lebanon doesn't have a functioning government -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Friday, 25-Oct-2024 00:34:23 JST Pride of Utopia @lonestarr @Dudebro @John-Pleroma @Goalkeeper @Owl @doctorsex @matty @D-Droid @egirlyuumimain "Hit it like Dan Hudson is watching" -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 24-Oct-2024 04:24:08 JST Pride of Utopia @WashedOutGundamPilot Gf has a good number of anime shirts. Naruto, one piece, spy x family, oshi no ko, demon slayer...
I'm surprised more oshni no ko girls don't get posted. They're all pretty uoh -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 24-Oct-2024 04:13:36 JST Pride of Utopia @WashedOutGundamPilot Gf bought an Oshi no Kun shirt with her on it -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 03:54:36 JST Pride of Utopia @rher Hvac is for guys who can't do electrical work -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 00:34:46 JST Pride of Utopia @ArdainianRight @sickburnbro Should have just activates VATS and shot the knife out of her hand -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 00:26:13 JST Pride of Utopia @sickburnbro It always boils down to "just let them kill you" -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 00:26:11 JST Pride of Utopia @sickburnbro Nah it's 100% on crazy black bitch. I hate cops too, but you don't get to open the door and slash at one. That just can't be allowed in a society -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 00:15:00 JST Pride of Utopia @MeBigbrain Have you seen it? -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 00:14:58 JST Pride of Utopia @Dudebro @MeBigbrain The Greeks invented sex. The Romans discovered you could have it with a McRib