If I worked for Microsoft, OpenAI, or any other predatory AI company, I would be ashamed to admit it to all of you and my friends/family. These third-rate companies trick people into giving away their personal data, and despite having trillions in assets, they can't afford to pay out for AI training. I'm really glad I don't work for them. I would rather choose a horrible death from illness and die than work for these companies.
And some of you laugh or call me paranoid when I say I use Linux, and it sometimes takes days to get wifi working on Linux, or I don’t trust the cloud, or get angry when I say billionaire brats and AI companies are predators. See, they don’t even have the guts to call “AI training” AI training because they know the negativity around that term. It is all a race to the bottom now; meanwhile, our politicians are super busy throwing mud around and working with billionaire fuckwits.
Microsoft Connected Experiences means they collect your Word and Excel files for AI training. Why not call it AI training? Why use such words? This is an unethical practice followed by a trillion-dollar corporation. How is this even legal? I am so glad that I don’t have Windows OS or MS office.
I memorized all the important bash keyboard shortcuts. I can navigate my entire system without ever touching the mouse. I can write a bash script to automate any task, no matter how dull. I even wrote one to make my coffee in the morning. I have a strong preference for terminal-based text editors like Vim 🤓
I built my own computer from scratch just so I could install Arch #Linux. It took me three days to get the WiFi working, but the sense of accomplishment was totally worth it.
Repeat after me: Snapdragon-based PCs (or laptops) are only safe with Linux or BSD operating systems. They are unsafe with Windows 11 and its Recall feature, even for gaming or other purposes.
Recall takes a screenshot of a user's desktop every few seconds and then uses on-device AI models to allow a user to retrieve items and information that had previously been on their screen. This caused controversy, with experts warning that the feature could be a "disaster" for security and privacy. Yet, it is now rolling out. I guess there will be no hack or bugs that will leak this info on screen. Right? LOL.
Of course, Mozilla will say that banning and breaking up Chrome from Google will affect them. It will affect them for sure.
Tomorrow, Apple will also issue the same statement, saying Safari will suffer.
They are all taking money from Google and helping Google maintain a monopoly. Maybe Google needs to play fair instead of playing dirty and getting non-profits to cry about it.
Google is now building pressure on the DOJ and trying to convince them that they are a fair player here. LOL
Mozilla Warns DOJ's Google Breakup Plan May Hurt Small Browser Makers: The maker of Firefox browser said in a statement the DOJ's blanket ban on search revenue-sharing deals would disproportionately impact smaller players that rely on such agreements, while failing to meaningfully increase competition in search https://news.slashdot.org/story/24/11/22/1112255/mozilla-warns-dojs-google-breakup-plan-may-hurt-small-browser-makers What do you think? Is Mozilla correct here?
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