Notices by SKiZM :confederate: (, page 2
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jul-2024 19:23:20 JST SKiZM :confederate: WTF is going on tonight? :big_thunk: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jul-2024 19:23:19 JST SKiZM :confederate: Try not to confuse the machinations of the governments with the will of the people. We still produced Mosley and Rockwell. Also our military is mostly mulattos, trannies, and women. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jul-2024 19:23:18 JST SKiZM :confederate: Cool cool. Hating Whites and wishing for our extermination will surely secure a future for our people. :big_thunk: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Tuesday, 23-Jul-2024 01:23:20 JST SKiZM :confederate: I don't know how voting works, but these dumbfucks sent me three ballots with different names on them. So, congratulations Mr. Trump! :trump1: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2024 06:12:24 JST SKiZM :confederate: Fuck bro, I feel for you. It's so bad for us. You may need to readjust your career path if this continues for too long. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2024 06:12:23 JST SKiZM :confederate: Fuck, I've been down that route. I had to keep switching careers and moving all around this godforsaken country trying to make it work, but in the end I've just got two degrees and $100k of debt I'll never pay off.
All I'm qualified to do is be a fucking janitor. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Thursday, 18-Jul-2024 06:12:22 JST SKiZM :confederate: I forget how bad it is, like everyone I know is going through it too. It didn't used to be like this 😔 -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Sunday, 14-Jul-2024 17:51:28 JST SKiZM :confederate: That brainrot has infected fedi too :pain:
Everyone is fucking retarded. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 13-Jul-2024 00:07:38 JST SKiZM :confederate: Time for some prison stories Part 1: Night of the Face Eating Zombies 🧟♂️
There was always contraband coming in. As a trustee, I was able to move contraband between pods and between areas such as the kitchen or county side. But first the work crews would have to get to drops and stick it up their butts. Everything illegal usually came in through someone's butthole. Sometimes visitor contact or guards, but usually they double ziplock bagged it and used edible grease from the kitchen to do the deed.
Sooooo, there was a lot of Spice going around. It's like fake weed, short term high bizarre chemicals sprayed on catnip. One day we hear screaming from one of the pods. It's probably a fight, happens all the time right. Wrong. Everyone on the hall is walking down to the screaming, and both guards run in (2 guards per 200 inmates)
They pull out one guy and half his face is just chewed off, blood everywhere. The smallest guy in the pod, is in there fighting like six other inmates from that pod. 3-4 more guards show up and are fighting this little dude to the death. Eventually, they get the idea to roll him up like a burrito in the rubber rug/mat from the back door leading out to the yard.
By this point, the alarms are going off and it's lockdown, everyone is herded back into our pods. After awhile, they come get me for some reason because I'm a trustee and I get to clean up the mess (fuggin lawl). So, I'm up front and they're still wrestling with little burrito dude. His face is all purple and his eyes are bugging out; he's screaming about smurfs everywhere. Then, he looks right through me and says "see, he knows" and I'm like please don't bring me into this madness.
Well, I go back to my pod finally. And hundreds of us, 10-15 to a pod are trapped in our pods for several hours. And the guys are screaming through the walls joking around. But then we start hearing real screams down the hall. Then, the react team is dragging off another violent crazy man. And another. And another. This goes on for hours. Everyone is on edge because we're waiting for someone in the cell to start attacking everyone else.
Apparently some spice came in but it was actually bath salts, and everyone that smoked it, freaked the fuck out. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Wednesday, 10-Jul-2024 18:52:02 JST SKiZM :confederate: Literally me -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Wednesday, 10-Jul-2024 18:47:36 JST SKiZM :confederate: Felt cute. Might delete later. 👉🏻👈🏻 -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2024 18:40:01 JST SKiZM :confederate: I totally would except there is no God here. :pain: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2024 18:40:00 JST SKiZM :confederate: Thank God I'm not securing any construction sites anymore. I'm currently doing residential and commercial properties. But yeah, most of my time is spent kicking junkies out of the doorways and into public property aka 1 foot onto the sidewalk. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2024 18:21:34 JST SKiZM :confederate: He had foil around, but I caught him napping in a sleeping bag with a Mike's hard lemonade. It took him like ten minutes to gather his stuff into the shopping cart and vacate the area, because both his legs are bowed backwards the wrong direction 😖 -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2024 18:21:33 JST SKiZM :confederate: Idk he was mumbling about his new phone getting stolen from a high traffic area where he wasn't nearby it plugged into an outlet. And he got evicted from his apartment in Chinatown for selling heroin, and he got into an accident riding on a scooter.
When he stood up, his legs bent the opposite direction like the chick crawling out of the TV in The Ring, and I actually AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA out loud for a second. -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 06-Jul-2024 18:07:53 JST SKiZM :confederate: I guess it could always be worse 🥴 -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2024 15:37:54 JST SKiZM :confederate: This is surreal.
I'm on this rooftop terrace of a condominium and there's all these parties going on at all the various rooftops of towers everywhere, right. And there's a big party happening at the space needle, I can see camera flashes. There's fireworks going off over in West Seattle.
I can't say for sure but I suspect it's similar at all the other towers, but here there are several Asian women and several Indian men celebrating OUR INDEPENDENCE. It's fucking weird. It's just another holiday to get drunk and party for these people. At least they're all speaking English.
Well, I got to go back down into the bowels of the parking garage to make sure their Teslas aren't getting broken into. :whoaaaa: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 22-Jun-2024 23:39:43 JST SKiZM :confederate: Halloween came early tonight. It was a full moon, always a rough night. So many incidents at different properties and a nice trashcan fire right at the end of the shift. :pain: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 22-Jun-2024 23:39:41 JST SKiZM :confederate: I do get to harass minorities, so yes? :uncomfortable: -
SKiZM :confederate: ('s status on Saturday, 22-Jun-2024 23:39:31 JST SKiZM :confederate: @Dagnar :pepe_music_happy: