@Zerglingman@Maholmire@vriska I think they got DONUTSd, or something like that. I had just scrolled past that while looking for the other image and then I saw your post and YIKES kickflip.jpg
Nostr is years ahead of everyone in terms of being useless, so there's no point in trying to compete with them on that. Consequently, Revolver is already useful: it's recently started handling all of FSE's uploads and emoji, it's been handling FSE's /objects/ endpoints for a while, etc. As a bonus, it's apparently also useful for angering people I don't know. :freerealestate: incredibly_unpopular.jpeg
@mint@Pawlicker@amerika@kirby@pomstan Ha, I remember seeing job ads for $300k/year for COBOL programmers 20 years ago. (Most of these were for porting efforts. But the Nissan offices down in Torrance had some massive COBOL dinosaurs.)
I don't know what COBOL is like at the IRS but I imagine it's idiosyncratic. If the bombs fall, they may be able to send people bills, but unless they are also ensuring that banks can survive the apocalypse, I don't know how they plan to collect taxes or where they're going to put the money.
> I've seen people write web servers in pure assembly.
I've seen this one.
CPU and RAM used to be relevant for web servers. Not since before this one was written, but you know, you write a webserver in MIPS assembly in 2005 and you could probably make plenty of money selling it to router OEMs.
(If you don't have listen1, you can use netcat or inetd or whatever.)
Run that, and you can point a browser at http://localhost:9090/whatever and it will echo it back to you. It should be pretty easy to tell how to use system() or getline in awk to dispatch to different programs or pieces of code based on what path is requested.
You are not going to have a good time building that kind of thing in awk, overall. You can have a screwdriver and a hammer and a saw, or you can have some kind of unholy multitool that is no good for any given task but can sorta do all of them.
@amerika@Pawlicker@kirby@mint "Consistent" is not on the list of adjectives that spring to mind when I think of Perl. Perl's like the C++ of scripting languages: a massive agglomeration of everything the designer had ever heard of. You don't have to take my word for it, you can take Larry's: https://www.perl.com/pub/1999/03/pm.html/ .
(This is also why Perl's best feature is Larry Wall. :larrypowers:)
Putting everything into a single language is not necessarily desirable: you have pipes and allowing two different programs to communicate turns out to be more useful than any single language feature. The second Ken put pipes into Unix, every other system's fate was sealed. And here we are on the internet: just to get from where I am to where you are, there're at least eight languages¹ in use, and Pleroma has a pretty simple stack.
As a trivial example, it's hard to touch sed for concision if you are editing strings and it's equally hard to touch dc or k for calculations. All three of those languages are brutally concise (single-character identifiers and operations are about as concise as you can get) but very expressive and convenient, and the implementations can be really simple. If you have a reference card, you can probably clone 90% of sed or dc in a day, but making a single language that satisfies both sed users and dc users is nearly intractable, to say nothing of trying to satisfy both sed and k users or dc and k users. (Add something that would make SQL users happy too and we're way off in theoretical territory.) Same reason "λ" will mean different things if the context is physics versus computer science, or "θ" will mean several things just in different branches of math.
So just have both: give these languages a means to toss data back and forth between each other and you've solved the problem without complicating them. This is what makes Common Lisp feel crusty: no pipes, everything was monolithic back then.
¹ There's a bunch of C/assembly for all the OSs, there's this (terrible) browser that uses C++ [1] and JavaScript [2], then the page uses JavaScript, and it hits bloatfe (Go [3]), which then talks to nginx (C) and then Pleroma (Elixir [4] and some Erlang [5] on a VM written in C [6]), which talks to Postgres (C), and all of this on a box that is managed by a mess of bash[7]/awk[8]/etc. that I wrote. The uploads/avatars/etc. were served for most of FSE's life through a chunk of software I wrote in Ruby that spoke HTTP on one end and then consulted Redis (C) to figure out what arguments to pass to the venti (C) client programs but are now served by some Go software I wrote that is itself managed by rc and bash scripts.
BOFH of freespeechextremist.com, and former admin. The usual alt if FSE is down: @p@shitposter.club, and others. I am no longer the admin. FSE has no admins now. Welcome to the FSE Autonomous Zone.I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed.I am physically in Los Angeles but I exist in a permanent state of 3 a.m.I have dropped a bytebeat album, feel free to DM me for a download code or a link to a tarball: https://finitecell.bandcamp.com/album/villain . There is a chiptunes album there, too.Revolver is coming: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/revolver-kickoff.html