@kirby it's not dead yet right now it's just the future is in serious fucking limbo. People are still using it because people will only stop when they're forced to since you can still upload videos about the jews on it or 3d printed gun plans.
@Pawlicker@kirby Mine is probably open reg, but no bots have noticed yet AFAIK. It would blow my storage out at niggerspeed if anyone actually used it, but storage is cheap, I just need to set it up so I can just plug in a drive and start using it instantly. Some storage box on llvm or something. In terms of memory/cpu it seems fine. It's just extremely retarded in other ways instead. Just use ftp or something, it's not worth the headache.
@Pawlicker barely an excuse, cheap servers can cost less than 5 bucks a month if you know where to look. The real issue is there is no user friendly way of just spinning something up that easily, and youtube and such exists
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker@kirby Everything has to copy social media because everyone seems to think all young people are retarded. I mean, mjost are, but not all. People on these fringe technologies should really be targetting the non-retards.
The retards will eventually follow too, unfortunately, though.
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker the user is the average Joe here. Picture this: 14 year old zoomer straight outta 2009, only used smartphones all his life, doesn't wanna buy a computer. Has venmo and all that other stupid shit. He doesn't know jackshit about computers, he doesn't even know what the desktop is. Or how to make a directory.
Now picture trying to explain to them what a service is.
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker this is assuming the ideal scenario is absolutely everyone should just host their own server, at least half understanding what everything is doing.
This was required in the 90s and 2000s. Smartphones fucked it all up. Sort of why I wish people just retvrned.
@Zerglingman@kirby@Pawlicker Plus you could always host the service, as there are FTP clients for smartshit, if you're really concerned about the normalniggers.
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker you can't just force yourself to isolate into old mediums if you want to stay in touch with pals. If your pals are just people looking for fashion points, good
@Pawlicker@kirby Actually, scratch that. Almost all instances have unknown status because of some nodeinfo shenanigans, though openRegistration field seems to be present regardless. @p
@kirby@Pawlicker@Zerglingman If they don't understand ignore them until they learn. I don't know how to use IRC that well either but if I really cared I'd learn.
@kirby@Zerglingman@anonymous this is what freetards have never got since the days of "move your Skype group to Mumble". It's a different kind of out of touch than the Gnome Foundation "people", but also being out of touch.
@Pawlicker@kirby@Zerglingman Well I mean you could always keep using their braindead garbage if you're that concerned with keeping in touch, while also hosting?
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker@anonymous it's why I have those things. I like socializing with real people. It's easier to not bother and not look like a fool. I don't care to get more fashion points from people on r/linuxmasterrace.
@anonymous@Pawlicker@Zerglingman this is flawed logic, go outside and actually speak to someone. They're not gonna go over the roof for you just because you're their friend.
I am going to voice my outrage on twitter, post a zesty meme on instagram and funpost on youtube (reposted to tictok reposted to rumble reposted to...)
We're not going to be in the same situation, everyone has different preferences to people. Do you understand how many people get super annoyed when you tell them "Yo bro sign up to this thing I'm on"
It only works with best pals, not just anyone you like.
@Pawlicker@kirby From an instance runner POV, open reg is a huge hassle since you have to moderate and pay out of pocket for storage as more people pile on.
It would be better if there were small clusters of people willing to split costs and make a small/medium instance for a dozen or so people, but people don't seem to want to do that unfortunately.
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker@anonymous better yet -- wait till you find one of these people from another corner of the internet, and you're going to start feeling the feeling """"normies"""" feel.
@kirby@Pawlicker@Zerglingman If they give so little of a shit that a polite “hey you know xyz.abc exists right?” that they stop being friends you’re in sore need of better friends. Not even kidding.
@anonymous@Pawlicker@Zerglingman it's not that they're going to refute -- it's that they're going to ignore. They're not even going to give the tiniest of fucks about this stupid little thing you want to show them. How does that make you feel?
@kirby@Pawlicker@Zerglingman I don’t care? Like honestly if I got the cold shoulder every time and still wanted to be friends I’d simply disregard the fact they ignored me.
Then again I have friends who actually care what I have to say. So. :shrug_akko:
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker@anonymous YOU don't actually talk to people. YOU talk to a group of people who are very similar to you. That's why you're able to get away with it.
I HAVE people who explicitly DONT share my core interests, I didn't go looking out for them, we just connected. THEY were tired when I tried to pull off these stunts you get away with in your groups.
You're not going to get the message, I figure I should mute the thread sooner rather than later.
@kirby@Zerglingman@Pawlicker >YOU don't actually talk to people. YOU talk to a group of people :win98question::win98question::win98question: >I figure I should mute the thread sooner rather than later. Oof.
@Zerglingman@Pawlicker I have been work acquaintances with normalniggers in the past, and I think what @kirby is trying to get at is these people get incredibly irritated to look into anything you say. All they really want to do is BS.
I mean it's fine and all, and sometimes I have cool convos with them, but it's basically /b/ in real life. And since we're, I assume, limiting ourselves to the internet here, you might as well just go on /b/ with a tripcode or a site on the fedi and shitpost for the exact same experience.
> Almost all instances have unknown status because of some nodeinfo shenanigans,
Yeah, PeerTube is a little weird so support is a little spotty. Some of the code for that is written, but it's semi-unused. Last I heard, it's /api/v1/config , /api/v1/config/about , /api/v1/server/stats , but I didn't want to get into special-casing software.
In the end, choice of platform, or in this case refusal to use alternative platforms due to creature comforts does define a person's values. It is not as superficial as it seems because nowadays your inputs are completely dependent on the platforms you use. The equivalent from 30 years ago would be refusing to go hang out at any other place than the corporate mall. There is nothing wrong being friends and communicating with them but that doesn't mean you'll be able to change them towards something they really don't want to.
Turning them towards the kind of person that would reject slop and convenience for quality of relationships and content in the first place, would do far more than pressuring them to use alt platform. 2be6652c4be69a9ea5db01515978bb9…
@amerika@Pawlicker@p@kirby Perl is a write-only language used by autists. PHP is a purpose-built language for web, and it does its job well (especially in modern PHP 7/8 age) if the writer is not a retard.
@pomstan@Pawlicker@amerika@p@kirby JS was a purpose-build language for some interactive eyecandy, then it got repurposed for AJAX and eventually turned into the language for modern soyweb.
@amerika@Pawlicker@kirby@mint "Consistent" is not on the list of adjectives that spring to mind when I think of Perl. Perl's like the C++ of scripting languages: a massive agglomeration of everything the designer had ever heard of. You don't have to take my word for it, you can take Larry's: https://www.perl.com/pub/1999/03/pm.html/ .
(This is also why Perl's best feature is Larry Wall. :larrypowers:)
Putting everything into a single language is not necessarily desirable: you have pipes and allowing two different programs to communicate turns out to be more useful than any single language feature. The second Ken put pipes into Unix, every other system's fate was sealed. And here we are on the internet: just to get from where I am to where you are, there're at least eight languages¹ in use, and Pleroma has a pretty simple stack.
As a trivial example, it's hard to touch sed for concision if you are editing strings and it's equally hard to touch dc or k for calculations. All three of those languages are brutally concise (single-character identifiers and operations are about as concise as you can get) but very expressive and convenient, and the implementations can be really simple. If you have a reference card, you can probably clone 90% of sed or dc in a day, but making a single language that satisfies both sed users and dc users is nearly intractable, to say nothing of trying to satisfy both sed and k users or dc and k users. (Add something that would make SQL users happy too and we're way off in theoretical territory.) Same reason "λ" will mean different things if the context is physics versus computer science, or "θ" will mean several things just in different branches of math.
So just have both: give these languages a means to toss data back and forth between each other and you've solved the problem without complicating them. This is what makes Common Lisp feel crusty: no pipes, everything was monolithic back then.
¹ There's a bunch of C/assembly for all the OSs, there's this (terrible) browser that uses C++ [1] and JavaScript [2], then the page uses JavaScript, and it hits bloatfe (Go [3]), which then talks to nginx (C) and then Pleroma (Elixir [4] and some Erlang [5] on a VM written in C [6]), which talks to Postgres (C), and all of this on a box that is managed by a mess of bash[7]/awk[8]/etc. that I wrote. The uploads/avatars/etc. were served for most of FSE's life through a chunk of software I wrote in Ruby that spoke HTTP on one end and then consulted Redis (C) to figure out what arguments to pass to the venti (C) client programs but are now served by some Go software I wrote that is itself managed by rc and bash scripts.
(If you don't have listen1, you can use netcat or inetd or whatever.)
Run that, and you can point a browser at http://localhost:9090/whatever and it will echo it back to you. It should be pretty easy to tell how to use system() or getline in awk to dispatch to different programs or pieces of code based on what path is requested.
You are not going to have a good time building that kind of thing in awk, overall. You can have a screwdriver and a hammer and a saw, or you can have some kind of unholy multitool that is no good for any given task but can sorta do all of them.
@p@Pawlicker@amerika@kirby@pomstan IRS uses COBOL and is planning to operate even in post-apocalypse scenario. I would assume they won't be as cocky if their databases ran on, say, Python.
@mint@Pawlicker@amerika@kirby@pomstan Ha, I remember seeing job ads for $300k/year for COBOL programmers 20 years ago. (Most of these were for porting efforts. But the Nissan offices down in Torrance had some massive COBOL dinosaurs.)
I don't know what COBOL is like at the IRS but I imagine it's idiosyncratic. If the bombs fall, they may be able to send people bills, but unless they are also ensuring that banks can survive the apocalypse, I don't know how they plan to collect taxes or where they're going to put the money.
@p@Pawlicker@amerika@kirby@pomstan Fallout would be a better franchise if the Enclave was remnants of IRS and not just a commission of paranoids formerly in positions of power.
@Pawlicker@mia@Zerglingman@kirby You'd still get niggers like myself though who would read the error and learn just barely enough to take a dump in your living room.
@anonymous@Zerglingman@mia@kirby dude some friend of mine was bitching that he couldn't get the rom working for the game he wanted because he couldn't find some zip file he was googling the rom filename
Though I must admit the nature I've taken on of late has made me incredibly retarded. Tried to load a rom with the .tar.xz file with a program that only loads the straight ROM.
@mia@Pawlicker@Zerglingman@kirby It shouldn't upset you. Those of us who just want to shit all over the place for whatever reason, usually dopamine, will stick to easily accessable areas, and everyone with more than two braincells who gives more than 2 fucks will be with you.
I sometimes wonder how much better my life would be if I gave more shits about this kind of thing.
@anonymous@Zerglingman@mia@kirby mame loads a zip file of ROMs and it changes from version to version when say internal microcode is dumped and the emulator needs it.