@nixCraft "Someone bet us a quarter that we wouldn't shit in the swimming pool, so we did. We shat in the pool so much that the pool had to be drained and no one could swim in it for a week.
We look forward to getting more quarters by shitting in more swimming pools in future.
P.S. Follow us for tips on how to shit in swimming pools.”
- click a link to show a menu, click another link, wait, fill in a field, click a button, wait, fill in another field, click another button, do the 2FA dance if needed ...
By 2025 you're going to need to submit a 6-page essay just to log in.
10/ I think any "solution" is going to be a point on a continuum. There may not be one perfect one-size-fits-all answer that delivers maximum flexibility with minimum cost of adoption.
I'm interested in, say, @laura 's site.js (https://sitejs.org/) as an example of a project that aims to lower the barriers to site ownership.
I see that as a point on the continuum: Site.js lowers the bar THIS much, and in exchange you get THIS much flexibility, power, etc.
9/ So maybe that's not the best possible solution to the question of how to democratize access.
And so one of the things that I think about is, how could we do it better? What solutions could we come up with to the challenge of giving everyone who wants it a place to do their own thing on the Interwebs, lowering the barriers to entry without requiring people to trade away something intangible but valuable as the price for their fifteen minutes of attention?
7/ Of course Big Tech social media turns out to be a devil's bargain. The microphone is free, but they can turn the volume all the way down or even cut the cord altogether, whenever they want to, for any reason or none.
And then there are all the other things they get up to to ensure that your use of their free microphone is HIGHLY profitable to them.
6/ It's worth acknowledging that FaceTwit and InstaBook and their ilk do represent a possible solution to this question. Big Tech handed everyone a microphone (so to speak) with no up-front downpayment required.