@theorytoe — They track me! :marseyveryworried: — Throw the computer out of window, pull the wires out of walls :marseyraging: — They don't track me, but now I'm bored :marseygiveup:
@realman543 Oh, I often do :marseydemonicgrin: My instance runs on an old Mac Mini with a PowerPC G4 CPU and only a gig of RAM — TBH I still can't believe that this hardware can host Pemorla (and a few other things), but now it's been a year :celebration:
@MK2boogaloo Does what we see in the upper left corner mean that she eventually went offline and started skateboarding instead of all the computer-related autism shit? :marseythinkorino:
@theorytoe@mischievoustomato > Blue Lives Matter Are you guys for real? :marseyshock: I mean, we would most probably disagree on a lot of topics — that is true, and in those cases at least I understand on what exactly your opinion is based, but this… Do you consider them even remotely your friends? And I get it, the "defund the police" shit was stupid enough in the US, but it's not like it's a binary choice: either you support this or you support that… Fuck! I don't get it :marseydizzy:
@mint@iska@Pawlicker I didn't know that, probably wasn't using Windows at the time so I didn't care. To be fair, this only affects rather old CPUs too, on the other hand, my dual pre-Nehalem Xeon workstation still looks more than capable to me :marseyemojismilemoutheyes: But not enough for Windows 11 now — not that I wanted it anyway. Still, I think that at that time people were mostly upgrading their hardware willingly, they no longer do that now. Anything that's less than a decade old (and in certain much older) does the job just fine, so they have to impose requirements for new hardware artificially. Last year they have already done it to Windows 11 on ARM, which made their own old Lumias obsolete — yep, it was possible to use desktop Windows 11 on a phone before that update :marseylaughwith:
@MK2boogaloo Exactly my thoughts on all this bullshit. They are proud they have a unified port now and that you can plug literally anything into literally anything. But now there is no way to tell if any of this shit would actually work — so much better! :marseylaughwith:
@MK2boogaloo@lina I was actually even using the same docklets! I had dock in the right corner though and my WindowMaker theme was even more conservative with grey-to-black gradients, I didn't have a background image. It was so long ago that neither Telegram, nor Discord even existed. I'm even genuinely surprised people still use the exact same docklets today :marseyhmmm:
Oh yes, and Ive never been using Fedora — for me it was Gentoo at the time. I HATE this piece of shit distro now! :marseydisgust: