@ArdainianRight@ChristiJunior@homesteader_surfer to be fair, it's safe to assume that most people won't actually read. Those that don't almost universally refuse to believe that something as crazy as the Talmud's greatest hits are real, just like anything non-mainstream is a conspiracy theory even if you have the receipts.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad@apropos it was my experience that what you got depended on where you were. You could live in some places where it was safe to leave the car unlocked at night, and other places, it a maniac's collection of worst case scenarios. My cost of living went _down_ moving from a small midwestern town to Chicago, but polluted and variably dangerous were absolutely true.
I liked it when I was in my early twenties, but you couldn't pay me to live there today. It's on the way between regular destinations, but I go around it -- haven't visited in ten years at least, and the last time, it was to go to IKEA, KD Market, and gtfo.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad@casuist i think the idea is Blair White-ish people, if that's normal. If you're a dude wearing women's clothes and you're not in a glam rock band, it's not normal. It's even worse if you think you are actually a woman. I think this is why we've heard so much about accepting "neurodiversity" in tandem with the trans thing.