Notices by DireGoy (
We used to be a real country...
>be me, visit old pops at his retirement community home (his 2nd)
>Dad: Someday, you'll have this and be retired like me
Me: LOOOOL. LMAO (I'm gonna die on the job site)
@BowsacNoodle Can you fucking boomers just die please.
@BowsacNoodle Can you at least just go back to Gab.
You're children can't afford children while you post about MASH on the internet. You're a fucking disgrace to White people. Fuck off.
6% does 64%
@WashedOutGundamPilot I don't even know this guys name. He just made something based so I poasted.
We're very much on the fringe right. Creators swimming close the the mainstream aren't gonna be 100% our guys most of the time. Stonetoss is the only one really.
Let's bring this one back
@deprecated_ii I'm seeing claims of labor shortages yet at the same time people saying they put in applications everywhere and never get interviews.
someone's bullshitting
@RealRaul spotted
@whiteflightattendent @WashedOutGundamPilot Then again, now that I think of it... I should also mention the roommate in my story was a guy I'd known since jr. high and was like 5' 6" and was able to get chicks all the time, often ones taller than him. He was very outgoing and could make almost anyone laugh their ass off. But he was the only short guy I've known who could do it.
@WashedOutGundamPilot >he was tall
That's all she needed to say. The rest doesn't matter.
One of my roommates let a dude sleep on our couch for a while. He was balding pretty bad and had fucked up teeth and bad breath (the tooth brush he brought over looked like he'd been using the same one since childhood) and his only source of income was a part time job at fucking jamba juice.
Yet he had a decently hot girlfriend who would hang out with him on our couch all the time. Why? Cause he was 6' 4"
@doonxib They killed all their own prophets why the heck would they ever listen to Nazi's
They literally can't even listen to their own God. Their whole religion is dedicated to loopholes around their own God's rules lmao.
Oh shit niggers
@graf I thought my country was a silly place
@gavi Here's a channel where kikes have been laughing at all the dead children and civilians they've been bombing. Fuck the jews. Die screaming you scum.
Yenta kvetching at a Japanese Palestine Protest
@MeBigbrain @BobsonDugnuttHB I remember the time I was in an arcade and there was a bunch of niglets in there that watched me win at a game and demanded I give them quarters.
I was like "wtf no" but I was ignorant of them. Now...
Now I just hate niggers.
Niggers cost Red Lobster millions
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