Interesting that Space Karen did an actual Nazi salute - twice - in front of the world's media but the BBC doesn't seem to think it deserves reporting 🤔 🤨
@stephanie Don't hold your breath. And if the press don't, then there's no chance the politicians will. It'll be interesting to see if any of them get asked about it on TV though.
Good people of the Fediverse, please get this circulating as widely as possible if you wouldn't mind? @aral@selzero@ChrisMayLA6 if I could make use of your reach that would be great 😘
@selzero I love that Lego Thatcher's excuse is that it's "not the best use of taxpayers' money", as if their decision-making in that regard hasn't been execrable already.
@zlatko@aral I've taken my eye off the results - are the GOP in control of both houses and the executive then? Shit. He's going to go full tilt for the Unitary thing (ie monarchy in all but name) isn't he. Project 25 was terrifying enough as it is, but Space Karen adds a whole other dimension of grim.
@aral We're not particularly conscientious about "not supporting Russia" ourselves though, are we - the laxity with which we enforce our so-called sanctions is testament to that.
@aral Side note: I just mentioned this to someone else - something that might interest you, whether or not you like their music, given how prominent and outspoken they've been about Palestine. It's Ireland's submission to the Oscars.
Tory-hating, Brexit-denying, nature-loving book nerd. Inept gardener, sketcher, knitter and music-maker. Queen of lazy town, prone to aimless wittering. Pro-independence for anyone who wants it. Proud to live in Wales. Very sweary but only at the wrong kind of people, and they know who they are. No bridgers or Bluesky evangelists please. No bio, no follow. #Books #Tea #History #Folklore #Space #Gardening #GrowYourOwn #SmashCapitalism #FuckTheFash #Folk #Craft #Annibyniaeth #Art