Every person I've met horribly misunderstands dark triad traits. Stefan Verstappen suggests that the difference between a normal person and a psychopath is his attitude to rape. This is a very female-centric and inaccurate view of personality. Long before Stefan Verstappen the social consensus was that all men would rape if given a chance. All men suffer from original sin. Talking heads were literally suggesting that You Are The Only Good Guy In The World and it's up to you to stop every other guy from raping oh so helpless virgins.
I don't disagree that society favors the most duplicitous cheat and penalizes socially advantageous behavior. Doing the right thing is easy. Getting away with it is the hard part.
It's a tough battle. You must know who you're dealing with. Wrong views spell disaster for the fledgling dissident.
Over at Omega Virgin Revolt, a horrid article by fraudster Harris O’Malley aka Dr. Nerdlove is being ripped apart.
“There’s a very common issue I see among guys who’re looking for a girlfriend: they’re just not ready for one yet. Many guys go full-tilt boogie into finding themselves a girlfriend as soon as possible without having laid the emotional groundwork. As a result, they don’t find themselves a relationship so much as a girlfriend-shaped disaster of Hindenburg proportions.”
Notice how he never defines “emotional groundwork.” Is this reading 300 romance novels? Is this Seeing a therapist? Apparently it can be whatever O’Malley wants it to be to browbeat a low status man. Has Warmachine done “emotional groundwork”? Has Hugo Schwyzer? Remember, both these individuals have almost murdered women. They have no problem attracting women but they are not morally superior to dateless men or men who struggle in negotiating relationships.
Just so things don’t get conflated, I’m going to discuss singles who can’t get dates for a second..
Now imagine a woman whose face was severely disfigured in an accident. She is unable to find a mate. She might lament that men are superficial. She might even say that she is “perfectly nice” and her dogs love her. No one would accuse this dateless woman of having a moral failing but instead feel bad for her situation.
It seems to me that O’Malley intentionally puts it back on the man with an ill defined term as if it was a moral failing on his part. This is done to hide the fact that female mate selection can be a brutal and capricious process. Women will select men based upon what they find attractive, not necessarily on anything related to his character. We can observe morally failing men such as Warmachine having great sexual success. A dateless man can be there for any number of reasons such as being a race that women don’t find desirable, being short, being bald, being shy, etc.,etc., Nerdlove is as condescending as a trustafarian telling a poor person that they would work two jobs to pull themselves out of that situation. Of course, the trustafarian never even worked one and disregards common sense logistics on why it may be difficult or impossible to work two jobs. Nerdlove condescendingly uses “emotional groundwork” to put it back onto the man why he is needs to “make himself better.” It is up to him to survive the female selection process and if he somehow stumbles onto a woman who wants a relationship with him, well it must’ve been all those novellas from the 18th century that “helped develop his empathy” and laid the “emotional groundwork” ™ –I’m being sarcastic here if you couldn’t tell. The more likely explanation is he finally met a woman that somehow might’ve not seen certain traits of his such as being short or of an unpopular ethnicity in the same light as other women he approached.
Imagine an unemployed person seeking work. They send out lots of resumes and eventually get a few interviews. The first couple of interviews don’t go very well, the interviewers snidely ask “Why have you been out of work for SOOOO long?” Eventually the job seeker hits the jackpot so to speak. The interviewer is smiling and states you have experience with XYZ, I don’t see that much these days and we really need help with that. When the “outta work” question arises the interviewer doesn’t reply snidely but says, “Oh, so that means you would be able to start immediately. Um, I mean after a suitable job offer has been presented and the background check completed.”
Now was the job seeker a moral failure for being jobless or just someone who was trying to navigate a changing economy? Did they do this mysterious “emotional groundwork” that Doc Condescending spews? Remember how no one would consider the woman mentioned above as a moral failure. However, society and especially feminists deem men in similar situations with those terms. This whole “nice guy” thing is predicated on dateless men being moral failures for having troubles in navigating dating and relationships. Dateless men can observe the world around them and decide how they want to interact with it. Some men may face discrimination and not be able to overcome it (and bullshit advice like Dr. Nerdlove’s does nothing but obfuscate the matter.) For example a man of a race women don’t desire, what is he to do? Move to another part of the world or bleach his skin? These men are not receiving a supportive message that their lack of success in dating is not a moral failure. Those in society who keep on presenting that message that these men are morally failing are invested in gaslighting low status men. I believe that they want these men feeling guilty when no crime was committed so that they can control these men.
"The third issue is the assumption that because we are labeling a certain segment of the population as undesirable, that this would naturally lead to persecutions and extermination camps. Any program of rooting out and neutralizing psychopaths would be doomed from the outset, since the psychopaths would quickly subvert such a program and turn it against the common people, as they have done throughout history. Furthermore, nothing so dramatic is needed since just by identifying the psychopaths in our society we undermine their strength and advantage. Then, in order to create a better society for all, we need do only three small things. Do not vote for them, do not worship in their churches, and do not buy their products."
No, you see, you must buy the products that everyone is buying. You must have the same lifestyle choices. Even though psychopaths accuse innocent people of being psychopaths all the time, all we need to do is to identify the psychopath! Preferably if everyone agrees that he is a psychopath.
"Before you attempt to expose and expunge a psychopath you must be in a position of power, and you must choose the time and place. You also need to have your people briefed and ready to support you. This means creating a family and friends support group and/or joining a support group. In an
organizational setting you need to have coworkers, managers, the legal department, and human resources on your side before making your move."
Mr TerminalAutism, don't complain when normies bring out their pitch forks to get at someone suspicious, someone who is not like them, someone like... you. You see, psychopaths are so evil and powerful that they don't deserve due process.
"Historical examples include such monsters as Stalin,
Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible, and Caligula. While there are many
that make it to the pinnacle of the political stage there are also
such historical figures as J.P. Morgan, Randolph Hearst, and
Mayer Rothschild, professional psychopaths that reach the
pinnacle of the financial stage where they cause no less misery
and destruction as their political counterparts."
Okay, author's playing an armchair psychologist now.
"Poor Behavior Control: This characteristic can be misleading since many psychopaths exhibit excellent self control by having to pretend to be ‘Normal’ for most of their lives."
"If a psychopath wants sex and his date will not
provide it, then rape is good and the date is bad."
Fuck this book, it is worse than waste of time. No man believes he's owed sex, this is fascist propaganda.
"Dateless men get falsely accused of everything from being useless and disorganized (as Manginalove does in his post) to being terrorists in waiting (even though the evidence says the complete opposite). The only way for most men to avoid this fate is to get a girlfriend. Thus, many men are desperate to get a girlfriend. It’s that simple. Since dating advice for men is female centric, it is assumed the only reasons why men pursue women is being horny and entitlement for women’s bodies. While there is truth about the being horny part, the entitlement canard is a total lie. I have talked to lots of dateless men. Not one of them believes they are entitled to women’s bodies. What they want is social acceptability and to not get falsely accused of being a potential terrorist."
"For example, if attending a funeral, a psychopath would correctly mimic the same expressions of sadness as the other mourners, but then makes sexual advances towards the grieving widow clueless to the gross inappropriateness of such an action."
Innocent sexual advances don't exist for men. There are no risk free avenues for sexual opportunity. A man is presumed guilty of sex by misfortune of his gender. Stefan Verstappen presents a cherry-picked example, which is most likely made up to begin with, leading men to believe "There is a right way(TM)". Of course, any man is already suspect the moment he enters the room with other women.
Is there more glory in dying (or suffering other consequences of being powerless before adversary) than in being rescued? Anyway, if she can summon white knights to fight for her, she's strong enough to need no black belt. If white knights are dying to rescue her, she's even stronger.
Weakness is the most harshly punished crime.
One of the greatest powers is to be able to do nothing.
Not having to care is among the greatest of powers.
Is there more glory in dying (or suffering other consequences of being powerless before adversary) than in being rescued? Anyway, if she can summon white knights to fight for her, she's strong enough to need no black belt. If white knights are dying to rescue her, she's even stronger.
Weakness is the most harshly punished crime.
One of the greatest powers is to be able to do nothing.
Not having to care is among the greatest of powers.
The Most Dangerous Idea In The World: Women Have Agency
While liberals, conservatives, and many other groups have different ideas, one thing they will agree on is that women have no agency. Here is a sampling of answers you would get if you asked members of various groups if women have agency (and they answered honestly).
Liberals: No, anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism. The world is ruled by misogynistic conservative men, and women have no power. Anything good that happens to women is the result of “benevolent sexism” which women have no control over. Women are forced into becoming housewives and mothers they do not want to be.
Conservatives: No, anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them. Women don’t even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the result of trickery by men. Women are forced into jobs and careers they do not want.
White (Vagina Worshiping) Nationalists: No, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism. The Jews have been so successful in tricking women that they convinced (white) women to act against their own race. Everything bad a woman does is caused by the Jews so women aren’t responsible for the bad acts they do.
Conspiracy Theorists: No, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Jews, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. The real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jews, etc. (and minorities) who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren’t responsible for their behavior.
Roissyite Gamers: No, women’s bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game. Women can’t be held responsible for their own biology.
I could list many other groups, but its always the same. They all believe women have no agency. In fact the only groups that believe women have agency are MRAs and MGTOW.
(Scratch that, MGTOW is dead and MRA is a dysfunctional tradcon crap.)
Women having agency is the most dangerous idea in the world right now, dangerous to women and manginas at any rate. If a person has agency, then that person is responsible for their own actions. If a person doesn’t have agency then that person is not responsible for their actions. If you want to avoid being held responsible or accountable for your actions, then you need to convince the world that you have no agency. And that is what women did (except for MRAs and MGTOW). The idea of women having agency is dangerous because if enough men start believing it, those men will hold women responsible for their actions. Women will be forced to deal with the same standards of accountability as men. This would be an outright disaster for women because they would be exposed for the frauds, feral children, and in some cases criminals that they are.
Feminism wouldn't have succeeded if masculinity was anything but servitude. But you're welcome to be delusional about female nature. Being pushy and entitled and getting privileges at cost to society is not masculine of women in the slightest. To pretend otherwise is to agree with what feminists have been pushing, that male instinct to protect women (the masculinity in the real sense) was about abusing them instead.
Masculinity simply means male servitude, you are not "speaking truth to power" if you distinguish between toxic and other expectations of gendered sacrifice.
Learning how to fight and win is not optional for men, but that is not because of masculinity, rather because of indifference for the well-being of people of the male sex. Few care for the loser male.
Also you failed to point out how "the hard times create strong men" meme has no basis in reality. The warrior caste during feudal times was rich people with leisure time, and the people with hard times, the peasants, became serfs.
"preventing child trafficking" is call for violence against innocent men. The left and right are both man-hating, so they easily agree that men must suffer.
If that's so, the minority of true libertarians have to call themselves something else. If you're in the same room filled to the brim with con artists, maybe you should search for another room so you are not mistaken for one.
1) Yeah, just as on cue. To a MGHOW all other MGTOW are retards not worth fighting for. That's one reason why men always lose to the female collective.
2) I take your response to be a strawman. Positive change extends to getting rid of coercion to enter exploitive relationshits. Currently men are regarded as nothing more than cheap sluts, with no option to refuse service.
MGTOW was a "thing" since the dawn of time. But MGTOW never ever was what it needs to be the most: an influential driver of positive change for men, and deep down inside we all really know why.
Most MGTOW are anti-male men going through a bargaining stage for affordable relationshits, or immediately after they've got a bad divorce. They remain just as hostile and indifferent to the suffering of any other man.