Really good explanation of what psychopaths are. Really, everyone needs to bring more attention to this topic, so everyone should watch it. If people were aware of it, maybe it would become obvious to them that pretty much everyone in a high-status position is like that. Government, corporations, the media, the entertainment industry, the legal system, medicine. And really, the worst part is that it infects everything.
Every society on this planet (they're all mostly identical) glorifies and promotes psychopathic behavior and raises its population to be like that. Hell, capitalism in general is all about psychopathy, trying to get as much out of other people as possible because fuck them, Mr. Psychopath always has to have more, it's never enough.
"For example, if attending a funeral, a psychopath would correctly mimic the same expressions of sadness as the other mourners, but then makes sexual advances towards the grieving widow clueless to the gross inappropriateness of such an action."
Innocent sexual advances don't exist for men. There are no risk free avenues for sexual opportunity. A man is presumed guilty of sex by misfortune of his gender. Stefan Verstappen presents a cherry-picked example, which is most likely made up to begin with, leading men to believe "There is a right way(TM)". Of course, any man is already suspect the moment he enters the room with other women.
"If a psychopath wants sex and his date will not
provide it, then rape is good and the date is bad."
Fuck this book, it is worse than waste of time. No man believes he's owed sex, this is fascist propaganda.
"Dateless men get falsely accused of everything from being useless and disorganized (as Manginalove does in his post) to being terrorists in waiting (even though the evidence says the complete opposite). The only way for most men to avoid this fate is to get a girlfriend. Thus, many men are desperate to get a girlfriend. It’s that simple. Since dating advice for men is female centric, it is assumed the only reasons why men pursue women is being horny and entitlement for women’s bodies. While there is truth about the being horny part, the entitlement canard is a total lie. I have talked to lots of dateless men. Not one of them believes they are entitled to women’s bodies. What they want is social acceptability and to not get falsely accused of being a potential terrorist."
"Poor Behavior Control: This characteristic can be misleading since many psychopaths exhibit excellent self control by having to pretend to be ‘Normal’ for most of their lives."
"Historical examples include such monsters as Stalin,
Pol Pot, Ivan the Terrible, and Caligula. While there are many
that make it to the pinnacle of the political stage there are also
such historical figures as J.P. Morgan, Randolph Hearst, and
Mayer Rothschild, professional psychopaths that reach the
pinnacle of the financial stage where they cause no less misery
and destruction as their political counterparts."
Okay, author's playing an armchair psychologist now.
"Before you attempt to expose and expunge a psychopath you must be in a position of power, and you must choose the time and place. You also need to have your people briefed and ready to support you. This means creating a family and friends support group and/or joining a support group. In an
organizational setting you need to have coworkers, managers, the legal department, and human resources on your side before making your move."
Mr TerminalAutism, don't complain when normies bring out their pitch forks to get at someone suspicious, someone who is not like them, someone like... you. You see, psychopaths are so evil and powerful that they don't deserve due process.
"The third issue is the assumption that because we are labeling a certain segment of the population as undesirable, that this would naturally lead to persecutions and extermination camps. Any program of rooting out and neutralizing psychopaths would be doomed from the outset, since the psychopaths would quickly subvert such a program and turn it against the common people, as they have done throughout history. Furthermore, nothing so dramatic is needed since just by identifying the psychopaths in our society we undermine their strength and advantage. Then, in order to create a better society for all, we need do only three small things. Do not vote for them, do not worship in their churches, and do not buy their products."
No, you see, you must buy the products that everyone is buying. You must have the same lifestyle choices. Even though psychopaths accuse innocent people of being psychopaths all the time, all we need to do is to identify the psychopath! Preferably if everyone agrees that he is a psychopath.
Yes, I did think about that. Psychopaths can manipulate the population, so they can control perception of what a psychopath is. Most people don't understand that the label isn't evil, the concept is, because they are incapable of understanding basic shit. Still, the point is not the word, it's that society is completely controlled by monsters wearing a human meat suit, that have no scruples and no empathy, and that society itself encourages and worships that sort of mentality. If that doesn't change, the world is doomed no matter what, so, people have to wake up to that fact.
Every person I've met horribly misunderstands dark triad traits. Stefan Verstappen suggests that the difference between a normal person and a psychopath is his attitude to rape. This is a very female-centric and inaccurate view of personality. Long before Stefan Verstappen the social consensus was that all men would rape if given a chance. All men suffer from original sin. Talking heads were literally suggesting that You Are The Only Good Guy In The World and it's up to you to stop every other guy from raping oh so helpless virgins.
I don't disagree that society favors the most duplicitous cheat and penalizes socially advantageous behavior. Doing the right thing is easy. Getting away with it is the hard part.
It's a tough battle. You must know who you're dealing with. Wrong views spell disaster for the fledgling dissident.