Reading this thread on Twitter about the Comanche problems & the dude is not wrong about Wyoming. Lol.
I think that’s what happened to the injun in a lot of ways.
They just stay drunk- which leads their kids to growing up that way, and the cycle just goes on & on.
Plus- the rez is like this weird form of barbaric communism. The chiefs & their crew can go in & take someone’s home etc if they want to, so a lot of the Indians live in shitholes just to make sure nobody wants it.
Many times some Indian will want to not live in a dump, so he‘ll fix his land/house up just to have the chiefs move him into a shitbox & move some pal of theirs into the nicer home.
Like 99% of their problems as a group are because of shit like that. why better yourself when your own people will just take it from you
@lovelymiss @Obfuskation @BattleDwarfGimli @UnCL3 I believe you can crush a people's spirit into becoming this. Areas of once solid White communities have had the same thing happen to them. Take away their livelihoods, their futures and provide alcohol and drugs to cope and a large part of the population will collapse into dissolution. Some will escape but it seems not everyone is capable of that and remains stuck. And it continues for generations if the government provides subsistence support.
@lovelymiss @UnCL3 @BattleDwarfGimli "The rez" is the same no matter what rez it is. I drove through them in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Montana... all the same. South Dakota might have been a little worse. Every time I drove through, there was a stretch where cows would be wandering on the highway.
The thing about the rez that’s so “wtf, brown people” is that the rez is essentially its own nation within a nation. They aren’t bound by our laws or rules.
And they pay no taxes whilst getting a gajillion dollars in gibs.
Had the Indians decided to, idk.. utilize these things in a non drunk & commie manner, they’d be kangs.
They could have taken these things & built incredible communities & little homelands.
Instead they just get hella drunk & put tires in their yards.
@lovelymiss @BattleDwarfGimli Trash thrown out the window on the highways around here = Prairie Niggers.
Whole litters of puppies dropped off in the road = Prairie Niggers.
Other than that, they're great.
Around here they mostly just stay on the rez.
The dog situation is real though.
I worked with some Comanche out that way, way back in 1996, while I was in the Army. Hard, hard motherfuckers. They ended up making some of us honorary Dog Men, and gave us the two feathers and beads, which as it turns out, is a huge honor from them. We just didn't know that at the time.
I know I’m White pride lass or whatever but I have never had issues with the Indians (feather not dot).
Other than them being DUI aficionados, they’re not really an issue & Im around them all the time.
@lovelymiss @petra @BattleDwarfGimli @Obfuskation @UnCL3 This is also why the rare Actual African with functioning frontal lobes and foresight can't get anywhere in their shithole societies
Unless he becomes a warlord :idiaminapproves: