@jeffcliff @SAKURARadiochan @dictatordave @haberdasher @coolboymew >wrecking mitochondrial DNA of children
Dude that's every virus. Not even kidding. I find the "eliminate all viruses" argument a pipedream at best. It certainly won't happen with vaccines as they presently exist. Targeted antibody treatments are the way to go for now. Adjuvants are used so frequently, and I'm wondering how much damage they might be causing on a latent level. Inflammation is tied in to a lot of health problems, which is something COVID has shed some serious light on. Your thoughts?
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@dictatordave @jeffcliff @SAKURARadiochan @haberdasher @coolboymew I knew a healthy young guy who died of mayocarditis from mono decades ago. He was an athlete and didn't realize he had heart damage. This kind of stuff is real and it sucks when it happens, but most people don't get heart damage from mono or COVID or anything else. Pro vaccine evidence based doctors have shifted their opinion on young men getting the same dose as women, possibly suggesting one total dose or reduced dosage or avoiding the vaccine entirely. This isn't a dominant mainstream position, but it isn't fringe like it was two years ago.
@BowsacNoodle @jeffcliff @SAKURARadiochan @haberdasher @coolboymew lifting heavy, taking a vitamin and not being a faggot like jeff i've heard can reduce the risk of having a problem when contracting the sniffles