@ilja@lain@sarvo I should try it but Udongein's DB being such a burning ship, I don't want to try in production restoring the database takes ages (almost two weeks on my spare server, 22% restored)
@duponin@lain@sarvo the first one is quite simple. Activities link to objects. But there are three different tables holding objects. There's `activities`, `objects`, and `users`. So it links each activity to these tables. If an activity doesn't have an object in any of the tables, the activity can be deleted.
The other one is building further on something p figured out, see https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/activities-visibility-index-slowness.html "Essentially, the activities_visibility_index requires a full-table scan of the users table for each activity. I wrote another index to fix this and it has been merged, but the problem when you're doing a dump and restore is that the activities_visibility_index gets built first, so it can't avail itself of the other index." I just renamed the index that p made so that it gets restored first.