but WAIT! I have a present for udongein.xyz users AND the whole fediverse, because why being generous with a few when it costs nothing to make it broad? :nkoThink:
I made a quick project earlier this week, a service for users to request me emojis because I'm a baka :cirno_baka: I often forget to add them and they become forgotten forever :yotsuba_why: (poor users)
so let me introduce you to Emojiquest, a basic form to request emoji. it's 200 LoC, backend and HTML templates, KISS and just enough for the task :yotsuba_yay:
see how it looks on the two attached screenshots (I'm a great web designer, but hey it's responsive! And likely accessible too)
and of course it's open-source: https://codeberg.org/mycelium/emojiquest (that's also where I spent time to write the documentation, so do me a favour and read it :nkoKnife: )
regardless what's happening where you are and your life situation, I wish you a good end of year and may the best for 2024 happen to you :dangolove:
The flow is /really/ weird, when I try to log-in I'm well redirect to Pleroma (attachment 1, URL as alt), but when I approve (authorize) I have an authentication error (attachment 2, URL as alt) and lose the state. Browser's network tab shows me 401 on authorize document.
apps according to Pleroma (DB)
pleroma=# select * from apps where client_id='thatstheclientid';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-+-----------------------------------------------
id | 42
client_name | emojiquest
redirect_uris | https://secretprojecthehecat.udongein.xyz/oauth/callback
scopes | {read}
website |
client_id | thatstheclientid
client_secret | thatstheclientsecretdonotleak
inserted_at | 2023-12-18 18:15:13
updated_at | 2023-12-18 18:15:13
trusted | t
user_id |
my first assumption is the redirect uri being wrong, but I'm lost without insight
if you could help me it would be awesome (and I'll do my best to backport knowledge in documentation) :cirno_please: