@Falaichte @marine@breastmilk.club @pwm @gabriel @eris @Arcana @Hoss @winter @adiz @ghostlyash
So sorry I had notifications turned off for Moshidon
I hope I'm not bothering the 10s of people you've marked
First of all I should re-post the original followers-only post:
Don't you think the right part of the fedi is depressing and toxic? I'm not talking about politics, I don't care about it right now
Currently I've left that instance and taken refuge in the `normal` liberal fedi
The difference is huge. People are happy, someone's rock climbing, camping with friends, hopping on exciting startups, baking beautiful cakes for their kid's 5th birthday, and so on
I try to steer off politics but other than that it's perfectly fine. I'm much happier here
Something's not quite right there. Reeks of bad vibes. Honestly it reminds me of the `RW incel loser` narrative the left likes to use
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