And the Taliban is estimated at something like 20,000 people out of a country of 8mn. This is SMALL.
America has Afghani geography with 3000 miles of ocean on either side and a fucking gift from God of the world's largest navigable river right up the center of the world's largest breadbasket, oh and 300 million people of which 30 million are hunters - so that's 10x the size of the world's largest army.
If you start looking at topographical maps, you can see it clear as day, who rules America rules the world.
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Nobody will ever rule Afghanistan. It's been a lawless PVP zone for literally millennia, and anybody who thinks they can tame it is inevitably made a fool of.
I remember talking to a Marine medic who served in Afghanistan. On the trip over (by boat) their officer made them read the account of Alexander The Great on his conquest of Afghanistan.
Basically every damned little village he would come upon the people would fight him to the death, every inch of territory they conquered was a horrifying uphill slog. And when they finally conquered the entire country, they turned around and saw the same damned people doing the same damned things they were doing before they'd arrived, as though nothing had ever happened.
The guy I knew said the country is cursed, the people are not humans, and the only solution is to glass the entire thing. So yes, I would enjoy watching the US Government deal with the same thing as that, but with 3x the landmass and 10x the population.
>Hmm, perhaps allowing the proliferation of Islam within our own borders was short-sighted...
t. Federal Government
It would be so epic. Whole swaths of Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, the entirety of West Virginia would all become Afghanistan-style Federal no-go zones.
>IRA revival but this time it's Islamic
The Bongs would be wise to find a way to avert this outcome at all costs.
Seeing the Scotts-Irish borderer descendants adopt radical Islam en masse would be legit one of the funniest things that could possible happen.