Interesting take
@matty @plotinusgroyper Ever since I was in the military in 93’ there have been green card/citizenship programs for joining the army.
Bender can confirm.
They also directly recruit in their countries for our military. Knew a guy from Philippines and that's how he got citizenship. It wasn't just the USA either, Germany and European militaries do it. He said he chose usa becuz he thought we had the best landscape.
@wgiwf @DrBtc @plotinusgroyper @matty @Fever The parallels are all there if you know what to look for (we're roughly at the Gracchi brothers/Gaius Marius point)
The reason it has been put on hyperdrive is vastly increased communication technology and media control
@DrBtc @plotinusgroyper @matty @Fever We're speedrunning a Roman style collapse here. It took them centuries to do what we're doing in just decades.