Dungeons & Dragons Inventor talking about how women don’t have any interest in tabletop gaming
RT: https://poa.st/objects/ecf2c47a-cfb1-4cb7-bfb7-5cb0dd607bcd
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 09:47:14 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
- luithe likes this.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:02:08 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@SuperSnekFriend @StoleMyThundersBalls Sure, let me reach into the bag full of “People who wrote the 1st edition of Dungeons & Dragons that aren’t Gary Gygax“.
I’m sure we’ll find someone ideologically perfect in that large group of 2 whole people who invented the tabletop game 50 years ago.
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ (supersnekfriend@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:02:09 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls >as a biological determinist
Stopped reading right there. Anything else he may have said of value I'm throwing in the trash because I absolutely abhor their kind, in no small part for their role in destroying Western Christendom.
Can you not find someone wise and saner who can show and explain differences in how the sexes treat hobbies? -
Lichelord Godfrey (lichelordgodfrey@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:03:34 JST Lichelord Godfrey
@WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls James Swallow (Horus Heresy/Black Library author) claims, with no evidence, he got women into warhammer 40k because he made some Sisters of Battle novels (the hobby, whether tabletop or the video games, is still overwhelmingly male).
If you read the novels, if the Sororitas were changed to Astartes, little would change. They may as well be men.
Here’s the foreword to the Sisters of Battle omnibus he wrote. https://pastebin.com/Ve1svx0C
Over the last 10-12 years, Black Library authors have been deliberately inserting more and more women (not Sisters of Battle, but as commanders of other forces like the Imperial Army/Navy/Guard, and it went from “The Men of the Imperial Guard” to “The Men & Women of the Imperial Guard” despite how silly it is to have basic women mixed with basic men even in the 40k setting).
They also inserted more and more racial diversity but this is one of the few settings where it is believable at least, and the space marines still maintain their ethnic homogeneity from their home systems or planet (There are no wolves niggers on Fenris).
But then they’ve also inserted, steadily, more and more fags. The tranny shit is harder because that’s already been done..by..Slaaneshi worshipers lmao.
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:03:34 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@lichelordgodfrey @StoleMyThundersBalls Who cares, that’s what they always say. “I know a lot of the fandom pushes back but I got THREE letters every month from a tiny subset of an utterly ambivalent demographic so you can’t push back on this!”
The Sisters are passable because they’re still kinda hot looking and they have cool gear. Once they start pulling the pudgification and negrifying all of them, the fatigue will speed up
Badmann :unverified: (badmann@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:08:56 JST Badmann :unverified:
@WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls Gary's right about the pastel color thing. Lego did the same thing for girls, my sister had a house set. She built the set, disassembled it, and it got absorbed into my large Lego bucket, as she move on to different toys.
Girls are just different, and we should not expect to find one to tick like us. Hard lesson for me. Exceptions truly are unicorns. Those girls won't be attracted by pastels.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:08:58 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Badmann @StoleMyThundersBalls I love how everything that’s unisex is really just performative for a male audience. Girls love video games as long as it’s able to be integrated into her personal brand as “not like those other UNCOOL girls!”. Very much in line with what you’d expect for all of this. Talk to a cosplayer, they’re very open about having zero interest in the hobby, it’s just a vehicle to pretend she’s a dream girl and pilfer money from gullible rubes while she sifts through the dross for a top-tier guy
Weissen (weissensocken88@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:09:11 JST Weissen
@SuperSnekFriend @WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls My hobbies: based and fun
Girls: dumb and retarded -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ (supersnekfriend@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:09:11 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@WeissenSocken88 @WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls Perfect! Thank you friend! -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:09:11 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@SuperSnekFriend @WeissenSocken88 @StoleMyThundersBalls You may actually be in luck if you want the same story from Dave Arneson’s POV, since he hated gygax
Hoss Delgado (hoss@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:14:52 JST Hoss Delgado
Women have no interest in male hobbies outside of using them to collect orbiters. luithe likes this. -
Badmann :unverified: (badmann@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:31:44 JST Badmann :unverified:
@LovecraftEnthusiast @lichelordgodfrey @StoleMyThundersBalls @WashedOutGundamPilot Men's idea of women >> women's idea of women -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks (washedoutgundampilot@poa.st)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:31:44 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Badmann @LovecraftEnthusiast @lichelordgodfrey @StoleMyThundersBalls TBH my greatest source of being able to model women is having experiences where, by force of drugs or extreme deprivation, I stepped outside my normal POV and operated my brane under a totally different format for a while.
I get what it’s like being insecure and concerned about the collective’s opiinion of me, when I was a testost-less kid I had those same impulses to fit in and go along with the crowd. It’s been a consistent pattern in my girls forever.
:Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck: (lovecraftenthusiast@nicecrew.digital)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 10:31:45 JST :Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck:
All the sisters of battle players I have ever met were male :animu_laugh2: