@WashedOutGundamPilot @StoleMyThundersBalls James Swallow (Horus Heresy/Black Library author) claims, with no evidence, he got women into warhammer 40k because he made some Sisters of Battle novels (the hobby, whether tabletop or the video games, is still overwhelmingly male).
If you read the novels, if the Sororitas were changed to Astartes, little would change. They may as well be men.
Here’s the foreword to the Sisters of Battle omnibus he wrote. https://pastebin.com/Ve1svx0C
Over the last 10-12 years, Black Library authors have been deliberately inserting more and more women (not Sisters of Battle, but as commanders of other forces like the Imperial Army/Navy/Guard, and it went from “The Men of the Imperial Guard” to “The Men & Women of the Imperial Guard” despite how silly it is to have basic women mixed with basic men even in the 40k setting).
They also inserted more and more racial diversity but this is one of the few settings where it is believable at least, and the space marines still maintain their ethnic homogeneity from their home systems or planet (There are no wolves niggers on Fenris).
But then they’ve also inserted, steadily, more and more fags. The tranny shit is harder because that’s already been done..by..Slaaneshi worshipers lmao.