Shadowman311 ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:49:42 JST Shadowman311
Couldn't even get a 30 on the ASVAB and now he's a fire control specialist. WW3 is going to be fucking hilarious. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:49:40 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@caekislove @Shadowman311 shit when I was in there was a guy who went through basic around the same time as I did (~2000) who was given a waiver for his asvab score. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:49:41 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Shadowman311 "Join now and you too can work alongside certifiable retards!" -
Lichelord Godfrey ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:52:07 JST Lichelord Godfrey
@Shadowman311 Does it ever occur to them that it would be a really bad idea to broadcast how low his ASVAB score was?
What happened to them plastering the talented tenth all over the place, the few who easily pass…?
Are the talented tenth smart enough to know it’d be a bad idea to join up right now? lmao
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:52:07 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@lichelordgodfrey @Shadowman311 That’s the OLD system, when even the soft HR stuff was chock full o’ boys. Now that we’ve been flooding everything with roasties from one end of the country to the other, you have the same kind of HR retards running things like this.
To them, they don’t think about what the smart, desirable men would think about this. They don’t even enter into the picture, they just think it’s a nice, sweet story that will make enlistment seem lest daunting, because they imagine everyone else on earth is just as retarded as they are.
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:52:14 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@thatguyoverthere @Shadowman311 You know, I always assumed that the asvab was rigged so that everyone would be "officer material" to encourage recruitment. Kinda like how everyone who takes the free stress test turns out to really need Scientology. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:55:51 JST Nick
@caekislove @thatguyoverthere @Shadowman311 No, it's very much normalized. And that's pretty funny because of how many retards don't understand that and brag about scores they really, really shouldn't. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:58:08 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 yeah the asvab is supposed to help identify what areas you are strongest in as well as set a minimum bar for useful idiots joining the military. Realistically they just fill whatever spots they need to fill and gas people's heads up about how they are a perfect fit because of their asvab score.
The guy in question I believe went on to do something with plumbing. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 01:58:09 JST 1ns0mniak
@thatguyoverthere @caekislove @Shadowman311 That's how they decide to assign you right? Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:01:22 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 At least they had him doing something he could make money off of after he left the service! Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:03:33 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 you take the asvab before you sign a contract. Some people take it in ROTC, others will take it at a MEPS station if I remember correctly (been a while). Once you have your ASVAB scores your recruiter convinces you how perfect job x is for you and then you sign up and go to basic. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:03:34 JST 1ns0mniak
@thatguyoverthere @caekislove @Shadowman311 Do you do that before or after basic? Like do you sign up and then go through bootcamp or do you take it before they let you in the door? -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:06:08 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@caekislove @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 yeah I went in as a crew chief. I could have gotten my A&P license afterward, but I needed to work right away so I didn't pursue it. I wish they would have made it more clear that military training doesn't mean a damn thing in the civilian world for the most part. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:07:30 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 Yes and no.
What you're describing is mostly the GT. Most MOSes will only care about the GT, and then only the portions relevant to the field.
The ASVAB itself is more akin to a general IQ test, and the overwhelming number of jobs either don't have a lockout for that, or else have a lockout so low as to be virtually meaningless.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:07:30 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311
> The ASVAB itself is more akin to a general IQ test
that was what I meant by "minimum bar for useful idiots" -
Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:09:39 JST Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks
@Shadowman311 I’m assuming that “Fire control officer” is just “monkey pressing button”
I just saw a pic of a black guy sitting in front of a bank of buttons but can’t recall which one, so here’s a similarly silly pic from lockheed instead
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:10:42 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@1ns0mniak @caekislove @Nou @Shadowman311 the requirements vary but the test is the same. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:10:43 JST 1ns0mniak
@thatguyoverthere @caekislove @Nou @Shadowman311 Is it the same for every branch? -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:12:52 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@1ns0mniak @Nou @Shadowman311 @caekislove all of them have very low requirements. When I joined the air force had the highest minimum score somewhere in the 40s -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:13:13 JST Nick
@1ns0mniak @thatguyoverthere @caekislove @Shadowman311 No.
Each branch sets its own minimum required both for general enlistment and for specific jobs.
If I remember correctly the highest required goes Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:13:13 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Nou @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere In order to join the Space Force you have to bring your own space ship. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:13:41 JST 1ns0mniak
@Nou @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Yeah I grew up on an Air Force base. Def the egghead branch. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:41:23 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 Also worth noting that the scores are normalized across everyone who takes the test, not just people who end up joining.
So the scores include those guys who already got into college and just want a day off in their senior year, or the people whose school requires them to take it. So those low scores are even more embarassing when you actually look at them.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:41:42 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 yeah your score is like a percentile of the tested population so a score of 42 (I think the minimum for USAF when I joined) only says you did better than 42% of those who tested. Incredibly low if you are looking for the best and brightest. Imagine if they had a maximum score? ("Oh sorry you got an 85 on the ASVAB, you would actually be better for America in the private sector") -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:42:30 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 when I was at MEPS for my physical eval I had a room mate who was joining the marines. He was excited that his MOS had a 12 second life expectancy on a battle field. I don't know his score but I think it had to be low. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:42:31 JST Nick
@1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Well, the Marines actually have higher mean scores despite having a lower requirement. Or at least they did when I was in decades ago. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:42:47 JST 1ns0mniak
@Nou @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere I had a buddy that was in the army, Some kind of computer thing but he was telling me "you would not believe some of the dumbasses that get in" Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:42:53 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Nou @thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 Confirmed, I only took it to get out of class for a day. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:43:05 JST 1ns0mniak
@Nou @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere I would assume so, like one would think that infantry guys or whatnot would have to be fairly intelligent.
Forgive my ignorance on this, I had a back injury when I was 17, the military wouln't touch me.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:43:21 JST Nick
@1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Oh, yeah. A lot of these fuckers I genuinely don't know how they manage to feed themselves.
I was in one of the most technical jobs, so I was insulated from a lot of the worst of it. But I did meet the occasional retard who genuinely needed a waiver. And... hoo boy.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:43:43 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Nou @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere When I was in business school there was this one guy who used to be in the marines who always ended up in my accounting classes and he would just ask question after question and it drove me up the wall. I wonder what his scores were. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:43:49 JST Nick
@caekislove @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Well then people like you were probably a big part of why my incredibly hungover score was as high as it was. So thank you for your service. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:43:49 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Nou @1ns0mniak @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere I do what I can to help!! Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
1ns0mniak ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:44:09 JST 1ns0mniak
@Nou @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Well I guess they need people to peel potatoes or whatnot.
I used to work as a bartender back when I was young, I could always tell what branch came into the bar.
Like, Marines would be the loudest, fucking drunk and off the charts.
Army, sort of the same but a little more well behaved...usually.
Navy...drunk and being sex pests.
Air-force....would sit politely and sip on bourbon.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:55:07 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 I scored an 89 myself. I didn't really fit in with my peers, but I always just figured it was more of a personality thing. Most of the people I worked with were smart (especially with regard to the job at hand), but I worked in a section (Isochronal inspection and AR) that was more technical in our knowledge of the actual mechanics of the plane than what you generally have to deal with on the flight line. When a flight line crew chief found a gear rub or something wrong with the flight controls they called our shop. We also took planes apart in the hangar. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:55:08 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 You do have a sort of a de facto one.
Anyone who got over a 90 ended up... never really fitting in. And I say this as a guy who was in the 98th percentile.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:55:46 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 some kind of bridge engineer or something. I think he just had to lay down in front of tanks so they didn't hit potholes -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:55:47 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 Oh. Sounds like a wire man.
They're... they're something. I was in a 6 shop, and... yeah.Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:58:23 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 Oh, ok.
So yeah. Slightly more technical than a wireman, but dangerous for the same reason.
Also, lmao at calling those retards engineers. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 02:58:23 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 Anyone who says "12 seconds? I can do better" is a fucking moron -
GabeLakmann ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:22:39 JST GabeLakmann
Yep, that is the exact same thing I saw. I think most people with a GT score of 120 would end up with an 80 something or 90 something percentile score but it probably is technically possible to get a 70 percentile and 120 GT score.
I remember someone being so excited to make one point over the cutoff for the percentile score and I felt sorry for them. I hope the military worked out for them and they got some job where they didn't risk getting someone killed because I'm not sure there would be much for them on the civilian side.
Still, it's crazy to know that ASVAB waivers are actually a thing and not just an insult like how we used to call someone who wasn't very smart an "ASVAB waiver." -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:22:39 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@GabeLakmann @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Nou @Shadowman311 I only ever knew one person who had apparently gotten one, and to be fair the AF requirement was higher than everyone else's so maybe his score was good enough for navy or army but he really wanted the AF. Not sure how low he actually scored or what circumstances led to his waiver. -
GabeLakmann ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:22:40 JST GabeLakmann
When you get into stuff like getting a slot at Sniper School or something like a nuclear tech in the Navy or the equivalent high tech job in the Air Force you'll start to see higher cut off scores for the ASVAB.
The highest I think I remember seeing was 110 or maybe 120 though. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:22:40 JST Nick
@GabeLakmann @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 @thatguyoverthere Yeah, highest I ever saw was a 110 GT requirement. I was just making the point that for most jobs the GT score is more important than the ASVAB score. So if you were to get a 70/120 you can realistically get into any job in any branch despite the fact that most people are going to think you're a window licker for getting something as low as a 70. -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:49:49 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @GabeLakmann @1ns0mniak @caekislove @Shadowman311 I knew a guy who got a 30 and was super proud of the fact that he was able to get a waiver. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 19:49:49 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @GabeLakmann @Shadowman311 yeah I don't know if the guy ever told me his score but it was below 42. He was also strangely proud. Like I said though his mos was something with plumbing so as long as he could handle the tech training he probably walked away with some valuable trade skills -
Nick ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 20:00:36 JST Nick
@thatguyoverthere @1ns0mniak @caekislove @GabeLakmann @Shadowman311 That was weird. Now that I'm thinking back, it seems like the lower the score the more proud guys were of having it. Most of the 90+ guys I knew would never mention their score unless asked outright. But I knew one guy who was motor t or some equally low tech job, and you could tell he was used to working around low score guys. Because one day he was talking about how 70 is the cut off for intelligent, and anyone who scored over that is basically a genius. When he found out everyone in the group had done 15+ better than him he looked like he was going to cry. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2023 20:17:02 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Nou @1ns0mniak @caekislove @GabeLakmann @Shadowman311 they probably got gaslit into thinking it was a great score by the recruiters. Easier to do to a midwit I imagine. I got a pretty decent score, but I was pretty sure I could have done better if I had actually done anything to prepare (I slept an average of 3 - 4 hours a night and did a fair bit of partying during that part of my life). It's harder to gas someone up about a great score if they think they can do better than if they are amazed they did "as well as they did".
Also telling someone "you are smarter than almost half of the population" might sound amazing to someone who is only smarter than almost half of the population lol