@Aldo2@matrix There's a difference between a grown man diddling an 11 year old and a college sophomore dating a high school senior or something. That's lost on zoomers
@matrix Still going to end up marrying a woman half my age and if that makes someone somewhere seethe, good. Zoomers can have my generation's roasties, they're all hag chasers anyway.
This specific case is about an 18 year old. The hysteria is there all the same.
Many states in Europe have "age of consent" at 16 and even younger. In Germany it is 14.
There are pubmed studies and much anecdotal evidence suggesting that young girls (even those who aren't "teenagers") engage in consensual sexual acts with either older teens or adult men.
I myself had a friend who was in his 20's dating a 14 year old. 100% consensual, both parents knew and gave approval etc... They met when she was 10 or 11.
@Aldo2 US has AoC in many places too. Hysteria among Americans nor positive cases of adults dating teens don't disprove that the potential of abuse increases the younger the minor is and that some type of cut off is needed
@matrix of course, I'm not saying that all children can consent, or that I want AOC abolished or whatever.
I'm just arguing for a more nuanced understanding on the issue and child sexuality in general, rather than just hyper-emotional responses from either side.
If there isn't that nuance, then you're leaving the door open to the loonies or the puritan prudes to run the asylum.
I know it's something that only "MAPs" talk about, but I've been reading some medical studies where the same point is made:
The more we obsess about "protecting the children" (or "protecting minors" to relate the point to the case in the OP) and restricting their behavior, the more we inadvertedly push them into dangerous situations.
The guy is 22 years old? Yeah those teens are retarded and need a harsh punishment.
If the guy was like, I don't know, around 30 or more, then my empathy for him would be diminished. The older, the less empathy.
But 22 and 18 is the most normal thing ever. They were really just chasing TikTok clout I guess.
Fun fact related:
I was kicked out of an online political group recently because I'm 31, my girlfriend is 23 years old and lives in the Philippines, and I once said I always thought east Asian women are particularly beautiful.
Clearly, this means I'm an old creepy man who fetishizes Asian women, and I must be manipulating a young woman from an impoverished country. :blobcat-joy: