@p @Doll I'll build whoever a damn statue.
bonus points if it causes my rent to go down.
I wish there was some way I could have everyone in America see how useless most of the federal government really is.
- † top dog :pedomustdie: repeated this.
@ins0mniak @Doll I think everyone knows it's useless, I just don't think they know how big it is.
@p @Doll No one would use it anyway. All our traffic problems in America are rural lol, like open road are no issue man.
The dumbest shit is mandating ev cars to people outside of cities right? Imagine driving a Prius in a place like Ohio that gets several feet of snow and ice.
@ins0mniak @Doll Still waiting for that high-speed rail line that they are definitely going to build between LA and SF.
@p @Doll I dont know there's a lot of clowns defending that shit.
Fuck the spent billions planning fiber to "reach urban areas" and haven't laid once bit of it in years now
be ok in a prius? theyre hybrids