Terry ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:04:12 JST Terry
Pakman never fails to dance on the graves of dead Christian kids.
GrungeQueef :verified: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:04:09 JST GrungeQueef :verified:
@caekislove @Terry @ChristiJunior The woke fags at (((wikipedia))) have smeared it as a "harassment campaign". I hate those revisionist gaslighting fucks. -
Terry ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:04:10 JST Terry
@ChristiJunior why do people still talk about GG as if it were a thing? It accomplished absolutely nothing and nobody outside of a small section of the gaming community even remembers it. I remember reading about it ONCE in 2014 and then forgetting about it 5 minutes later. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:04:10 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@Terry @ChristiJunior Mainly because the Wokes are still buttmad about it and bring it up constantly. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite repeated this. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:04:11 JST Christi Junior
@Terry GamerGate e-celebs pretty much did nothing but fuck up and embarrass themselves, but even among their many, many fuckups, promoting David Pakman as an ETHICAL Journalist might have been the single worst one.
That kike is pure evil. -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:12:31 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
It wasn't the beginning of the woke taking power, it was the beginning of them asserting their power, the first time they had an actual threat of some sort even if the threat was a paper tiger. Shit like Donglegate or Atheism+ or elevatorgate happened years before it, and also they were used to everyone playing their part and rolling over. -
Not particularly hype for current thing🍟👩❤️👨🍔 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:12:32 JST Not particularly hype for current thing🍟👩❤️👨🍔
@Terry @ChristiJunior >why do people still talk about GG as if it were a thing
It's a lot of our origin stories
these posts are from 2015 btw -
Your New Kemono Waifu :verified: :cornbread_the_cat: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:12:32 JST Your New Kemono Waifu :verified: :cornbread_the_cat:
@YTFoidLover1488 @Terry @ChristiJunior because it's what kicked off the culture war. It's the beginning of the woke taking power. They'll never accept that it was a farce because doing so would be admitting that the entirety of the ground the left has gained is all based on a lie. -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:19:00 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
The other massive impact of GG that nobody will mention is GG was the end of the "apolitical nerd" era of the internet. It was impossible to be a neutral nerd who just wanted to play video games and talk about which fictional characters were their waifus, you now had to take a stand on some saga involving who some dollar tree Courtney Love or Kardashian had sex with. GG set the stage for massive autistic shitshows involving Trump, C(WC)Ville, numerous smaller nerd community dramas and fights from the furry fandom turning political to Sad/Rabid Puppies causing an award show to sabotage itself, and of course all the ecelebs on both sides would wash out hard.
Of course if you didn't get the memo then, you would years later if you used the word tranny in a video game translation by accident, or put ogay on a bottle of soap in your Duke Nukem 3d clone, or if you tried to do a QnA session on the wrong website, or you drew something the Tumblr Mob said was bad and you had no idea.
There are no more apolitical nerds online, there's just nerds better at not talking about politics or taking HRT like it's a club drug for 5 minutes. -
IsraelDelendaEst ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:19:41 JST IsraelDelendaEst
@PhenomX6 @sjw @Terry @ChristiJunior @YTFoidLover1488 I would categorise it as a Jewish industrial accident. It's when all the retarded byproducts started leaking out of containment. -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:19:41 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
Nah it's accelerationist, it's when they went 4 feet on the gas from "let's talk about video games" to "blah blah blah bigotry", and many lower IQ autists took the bait. -
Not particularly hype for current thing🍟👩❤️👨🍔 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:20:56 JST Not particularly hype for current thing🍟👩❤️👨🍔
@PhenomX6 @Terry @sjw @ChristiJunior Everywhere you go it's a shibboleth check with a nonnegligible chance of failing resulting in a random enemy encounter 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 likes this. -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:22:52 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
I've learned nerds are at their most vulnerable to propaganda when they're isolated and lonely, and some Twitter troon is putting on a facade of having friends. That facade is to autists the normie facade of pretending you have money and fame when you leased everything, and oh shit the repo man is here repoing that 2007 BMW you leased. -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:26:47 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
It's more imagine the control rods are defective too, and the operators are too busy drinking and smoking on the job like at that one Chrysler plant, and one of them said "hey bro watch this".
If they were in control the news story of the now wouldn't be the troon shooter. Some MtF on telegram is taking an internet break and I'm sure more are over this, because it's making the Pikamee shit a few weeks ago look like a goddamn joke. -
IsraelDelendaEst ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:26:48 JST IsraelDelendaEst
@PhenomX6 @Terry @sjw @ChristiJunior @YTFoidLover1488 They're all speds though. There's some Jewish control rods in the tard reactor, but they're still melting down. -
:hacker_o::hacker_k::hacker_u::hacker_u: :sonnenrad: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:53:40 JST :hacker_o::hacker_k::hacker_u::hacker_u: :sonnenrad:
@ChristiJunior @Eiregoat @Terry @caekislove @GrungeQueef It was Jace Connors (Deagle Nation) who trolled Brianna Wu, not Sam Hyde. I can't believe I can still remember Jace Connors. -
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:53:40 JST cool_boy_mew
@okuu @Terry @ChristiJunior @caekislove @Eiregoat @GrungeQueef right, Jace Connors. IIRC his big video is that he accidentally crashed and made his car tumble or something during a pretty bad snowstorm and took the opportunity to make a Jace Connors video blaming Brianna Wu
IIRC quit a few months after and came out that it was all parody because he was starting to be stalked IRL or something
Wu still went for a few years telling lies about it -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:53:41 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@GrungeQueef @Terry @ChristiJunior harassment campaign”
Against Anita Sarkeesian? No she did her tropes against women videos 4 years before GG.
Against John Flynt Brianna Wu? Only after that attention whore injected himself into the flamewar in order to promote his shitty iphone game. There was also some kind of Sam Hyde angle too but I forgot.
Against Zoe Quinn? For every piece of hatemail that whore got for fucking for reviews, there was at least 3 articles about how she’s was getting harassed for no reason. Hopefully, the Syphilis has eaten completely through her brain by now.
Those are the only ones I can think of. A lot of the grifters/camp followers like Milo and the Ralph retort guy are still around doing their thing today. GamerGate was very good to them.
:spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:53:41 JST :spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad:
> There was also some kind of Sam Hyde angle too but I forgot.
Sam Hyde did a parody video threatening to kill Wu and saying he was on his way to his house but cancelling because he rolled his car on the highway. Wu claimed to be in fear of his life due to gamer harassment as a result and fled his home, but then in an interview a day later he was filming from there, so probably just internet theatrics.
The usual rags did articles about it but eventually worked out Hyde was a clown unrelated to gamergate and memoryholed the incident. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:53:41 JST Christi Junior
@Eiregoat @Terry @caekislove @GrungeQueef That was Sam Hyde? I remember thinking it was a genuinely mentally ill troll.
John Flynt sure milked it for what it was worth tho. -
:spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 09:56:37 JST :spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad:
As I remember it they left him alone after he helped them recover from the L by saying gamergate are the real extremists or something. I kinda figured at the time they just kept prodding them until he gave them a quote they could vaguely salvage themselves with and ran with it. cool_boy_mew likes this. -
hirohito ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 11:24:02 JST hirohito @GrungeQueef@poa.stIIRC quit a few months after and came out that it was all parody because he was starting to be stalked IRL or somethingI remember he quit because of a mix of not liking Kiwi Farms (lots of incredibly gay drama) and because the car crash gave him some sort of brain damage that caused seizures
cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Dixon Uranus :booba: ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 20:58:31 JST Dixon Uranus :booba:
"It's about ethics in gaming journalism!"
"I don't want niggers and faggots in my video games"Ene likes this. -
Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️ ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 20:58:32 JST Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@DEERBLOOD @Terry @ChristiJunior @GrungeQueef That was the thing, nobody REALLY gave a fuck about bias in Kotaku articles or whatever. People were pissed that there was this big cultural push to take all the straight shit out of games and add in a bunch of niggers and faggot shit. GamerGate could never get anything done because it fucking refused to tap that energy and instead acted like the whole thing was about ethics in blogging, which literally nobody really believed. -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 20:58:33 JST Pride of Utopia
@caekislove @GrungeQueef @Terry @ChristiJunior God I loved Gamer Gate. I used to find comments of people saying faggot shit like "it's about ethics in games journalism" and I'd reply "Actually I'm tired of seeing woman niggers and fags in my video games" -
GrungeQueef :verified: ('s status on Thursday, 30-Mar-2023 07:15:11 JST GrungeQueef :verified:
@pirin04 @caekislove @Terry @ChristiJunior @DEERBLOOD I miss old Sargon and old Ethan Ralph. Sargon had the best videos and came off as a master strategist. Someone had to pay-off that fat piece of shit. -
GrungeQueef :verified: ('s status on Thursday, 30-Mar-2023 07:15:11 JST GrungeQueef :verified:
@pirin04 @caekislove @Terry @ChristiJunior @DEERBLOOD Vox Day turned out to be an absolute pussy. Even his look-a-like Scott Adams has more balls. With faggots like this, GamerGate was doomed from the start. Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
pirin04 ('s status on Thursday, 30-Mar-2023 07:15:12 JST pirin04
@caekislove @Terry @ChristiJunior @DEERBLOOD @GrungeQueef This is exactly it.
NO ONE but sargon of retard believed that.
It could've been the opening front on TTD, but instead produced ralph, sargon, and a menagerie of trannies/freaks/grifters the likes of which God has never seen.