Few know this, but the entire field of psychology is a branch of black magic invented by Jewish sorcerer Sigmund Freud to control the minds of the goyim.
@Leyonhjelm Therapy is a satanic mockery of the sacrament of confession. As opposed to confessing your sins and admitting fault, therapy is about rationalizing your bad behavior in order to make you feel better about yourself. We already know Satanists mock other sacraments, like how abortion is a mockery of infant baptism, and how fag "marriage" is a mockery of Holy Matrimony.
Dschinghis Khan almost saved us from him but nobody present spoke sufficient Mongolian to explain the mission. He decapitated a mannequin instead. Wrong dummy.
I came up with that same belief independently even before I felt the prompting to start attending mass. Interesting that you say so
It's a slight exaggeration, because there's a lot of different kinds of therapies and therapists, but "therapy culture" absolutely does promote such a mindset. I would argue that therapy done with the purpose of genuinely trying to confront your shortcomings and making you a better person is white magic-aligned, whereas therapy done to boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself without the need to put in the work is in fact black magic-aligned. And obviously the entirety of the modern advertising industry is a form of manipulative black magic.
Is not an absolute of course. But I agree. It’s largely a replacement for confession and for going to the pub with your mates.
@amerika @Leyonhjelm
Nope. Sodomy is inherently a form of sexual black magic, which is why you oppose the concept.
@ArdainianRight @Leyonhjelm
There is no white/black magic, it depends on the intent of the initiate.