@ChristiJunior @Griffith @ArdainianRight @PopulistRight Added bonus of Trump is that the regime is way too invested in not allowing him back into power. These people are neurotic in the best of times, and these are not the best of times for them. He is at least signaling retaliation, and they are willing to burn everything down to try to stop him.
I think, if Trump actually does manage to get through an entire extra month (or several) of them filling out fake ballots after election day somehow, it's just outright the end of them. They'll throw all of their resources at him, until they have nothing left. Same deal as how the Ukraine kept pushing into an unwinnable war instead of taking a very favorable peace deal back when Russia saw the war as a "just correct their behavior so they won't try to put missiles on our border again" thing instead of an existential conflict necessitating total victory.