both of these stories are being suppressed by system media organs because they‘re prime examples of the regime’s exponential decline
Brownoids and joos seething in DC
@DW2 American astronauts have been coming back on Soyuz since before the start of the International Space Station program, this is retarded and people who don't know anything about the topic should shut their fucking holes.
@yockeypuck @DW2 yes, but over time this has turned into an embarrassment for the US.
@yockeypuck @DW2 American austronauts are stranded in space, with no plans to bring them back, this is new. When people see that Russians bring back american astronauts, its normal for them to assume its the only way for americans to get back from orbit.
@DW2 1 cabinet meeting this year for this regime and it was lead by jill
illegitimate regime front to back
@Marakus @DW2 People should stop being fucking retarded then and stop going "OMG IT'S COLLAPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" every time something happens in the news. It's the same time a fucking train derails and it happens to go viral and people go "AMERICA IS FUCKING OVER!" because they literally don't know anything and react like fucking racist gorilla NPCs to stimuli.