A french press is the smallest, cheapest, laziest, cleanest way to make 1 or 2 cups of real coffee, ie, not instant powdered coffee. You can (could) get them for a couple bucks and they last nearly forever. Coffee is done 30 seconds after the microwave beeps. Rinse the whole thing down and you're good. No consumables, no filters, no unwashable internal plumbing, no waiting for it to dribble, no tiny plastic parts to break. The coffee tastes like coffee, which is what I expect from coffee.
gentoobro (gentoobro@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Monday, 19-Aug-2024 15:32:21 JST gentoobro
† top dog :pedomustdie: (dcc@annihilation.social)'s status on Monday, 19-Aug-2024 15:32:16 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@gentoobro @FortyTwo @freemayonnaise Drip coffe is the best, i can make 12 cups and it stays goof for 3-4 hours (no its not heated it has a very good insulated mug) -
gentoobro (gentoobro@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Monday, 19-Aug-2024 15:32:17 JST gentoobro
Would if I could. Pretty sure it would clog the fuck out of the tea strainer.
Price is the only reason I don't drink instant coffee.
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Monday, 19-Aug-2024 15:32:20 JST Free Mayonnaise
@gentoobro @FortyTwo make it directly in the cup then you unsophisticated knuckle dragging moran
† top dog :pedomustdie: (dcc@annihilation.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:23:57 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@freemayonnaise @FortyTwo @gentoobro It is a Thermal Carafe my fren, you get gud. -
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:23:58 JST Free Mayonnaise
@dcc @FortyTwo @gentoobro git gud, like with a Mr Coffee Thermal Carafe, that shit stays good and hot for like 12+ hours.
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:24:18 JST Free Mayonnaise
@gentoobro @dcc @FortyTwo
you're a homersexual.
"tea strainer?"
ever heard of turkish coffee you soft pansy
just put the coffee in then the water stir with a spoon let it settle and don't be retarded and drink the grinds, purse your lips like the homer you are -
† top dog :pedomustdie: (dcc@annihilation.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:24:18 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@freemayonnaise @gentoobro @FortyTwo >turkish coffee
Its called Greek coffee fag -
gentoobro (gentoobro@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:24:19 JST gentoobro
Drip coffee is best if you're making 12 cups. I only drink 1 per day.
† top dog :pedomustdie: (dcc@annihilation.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:32:33 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@freemayonnaise @FortyTwo @gentoobro >original lazy fags YOU WILL NEVER DESTROY THE GREEK SPIRT TURK
zorba.jpg -
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:32:34 JST Free Mayonnaise
@dcc @FortyTwo @gentoobro greeks are the original lazy fags, they invented nothing, they drink instant coffee Frogs have to send them due to austerity cuz they wont pay for the taxes on their inground pools, who cares, they're greek
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:32:47 JST FortyTwo™
@dcc @gentoobroI've tried several "Mr. Coffee" brand machines and they've all produced burned, horrible tasting coffee. Which is ironic considering the brand name...
† top dog :pedomustdie: likes this. -
† top dog :pedomustdie: (dcc@annihilation.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:34:52 JST † top dog :pedomustdie:
@freemayonnaise @FortyTwo @gentoobro >the greek Shut up turk
seethcopedilate.gif -
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 13:34:53 JST Free Mayonnaise
@dcc @FortyTwo @gentoobro
the greeks are doing it fine on their own and not a turk, I'm huwhite, you butt toy sticking eggplantthe only greek I respect is that guy living in the university dorm apartments for his entire life and charging foreigners rent on next door units while the administration and even the president seethe
greece is a cartoon strip in the news
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 16:41:56 JST FortyTwo™
@dcc @gentoobroYou put your gourmet, burr grind coffee in a Mr.Coffee? 🤣
You're a Maxwell House drinker, admit it!
† top dog :pedomustdie: likes this. -
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 16:41:57 JST Free Mayonnaise
I hurt your white nigger in the feelz.
I roast my own dry process ethiopian single estate goodshit and then do what an adult should do, just drip brew it and tell everyone else who thinks they have an opinion but is really a shart about stuff they don't understand to shut the fuck up alreadyI can tell you don't even own a $400 burr grinder cuz you're that kinda faggot
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 16:41:58 JST Free Mayonnaise
You're a 'tarded moran. Pic related. how do you burn drip coffee? you're talking some white nigger trash coffee maker junk so you obviously got what you deserve
the picture is the pinnacle of civilized coffee making and will be in the history books about what needs to be rebuilt after the collapse
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-2024 16:41:58 JST FortyTwo™
@dcc @gentoobroThey sell a lot of 'em to retards who think diarrhea tastes like haute cuisine.
Drink your dirty turd water, man! More power to you.
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2024 14:34:42 JST Free Mayonnaise
doesn't matter how you brew it, the grind has to be right,
just stop talking already
and take your HRT pills in silence.PS. It's better than gourmet, it's unobtanium to your bum licking palette
† top dog :pedomustdie: repeated this. -
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2024 14:34:48 JST FortyTwo™
@dcc @gentoobro"Doesn't matter how you brew it" 🤣
Does it hurt being that stupid?
† top dog :pedomustdie: likes this. -
Sir Nedwood (ned@noauthority.social)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2024 14:57:55 JST Sir Nedwood
@FortyTwo @freemayonnaise @dcc @gentoobro fucking Americans and their drip coffee. I think you're all savages. I'll stick to never reading my New Yorker subscription thank you very much.
† top dog :pedomustdie: likes this. -
gentoobro (gentoobro@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:02:29 JST gentoobro
Where'd you find this mayonnaise guy? He's super fun to troll. Got him on another thread now too 😆
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:02:30 JST FortyTwo™
@ned @freemayonnaise @dcc @gentoobro man, there's nothing better than sharing a throwaway meme that triggers a coffee snob for two whole days 🤣
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:02:31 JST Free Mayonnaise
@ned @FortyTwo @dcc @gentoobro coffee was first imported in wooden hulled ships, water would get through the hulls and some of the lower commodity goods including coffee beans would get wet and thus wet and moldy so in the interest of profits, the europeans (french/italians) encouraged "dark continental" and in particular "espresso" style coffees because, low and behold there are fucktards like yourself who think dark and high caffeine mold beans passed through an electric iron is a good drink.
Sir Nedwood (ned@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:02:31 JST Sir Nedwood
@freemayonnaise @FortyTwo @dcc @gentoobro I also enjoy the reproductive parts of a chicken that got shat out her butt. And milk that's been beaten till it goes hard, had all the moisture squeezed out of it, and left to go stale on the shelf for 6 months. Or if you can't be bothered waiting that long, just stir in some bacteria and eat it goopy in a week.
Free Mayonnaise (freemayonnaise@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:03:12 JST Free Mayonnaise
@gentoobro @dcc @FortyTwo @ned wow, your millennial small pp social media energy is really strong on this one... me replying to your cries for attention is you winning. hmmm. I see. 😆 some delusional winning criterion right there bo linuxbro
FortyTwo™ (fortytwo@noauthority.social)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:07:23 JST FortyTwo™
@freemayonnaise @gentoobro @dcc @ned what were we talking about again?
gentoobro (gentoobro@shitpost.cloud)'s status on Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:07:23 JST gentoobro
How tea is the drink of the thinking man, whereas coffee in all forms is a drug to help the lower classes manage their suffering.
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