but like. this one is cute :blobcatpleading:
The Problem (marine@breastmilk.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:26:28 JST The Problem
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
cool_boy_mew (coolboymew@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:26:41 JST cool_boy_mew
@marine actual art for once :sadge: -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:48 JST errante
@skylar @marine @hermit but some of the most appealing and enjoyable art gets made by fags -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:49 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@errante @marine @hermit you will go to the art museum
you will pay the 1 reichsmark to get in
you will look at the cute anime girl section
you will look at the paintings by adolf hitler section
you will see nothing gay or jewish, and there will be no swarthy races -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:50 JST errante
@skylar @marine @hermit thats the lamest ideology i have heard of -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:51 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@marine @hermit @errante when we win, we're going to burn the modernist trash and then fill museums with art of cute anime girls -
The Problem (marine@breastmilk.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:52 JST The Problem
@hermit @errante
>worthwhile art
Sir, the main art i see as worthwhile is not art that can go in a museum. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:53 JST Alex
@errante @marine Fortunately we don't live in a trilateral corporatist hell so anyone can just make art and put it out there through any channel they like anyway, and that's where most worthwhile art comes from imo -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:54 JST errante
@hermit @marine dont purge incompatible art but also deinstitutionise art -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:46:55 JST Alex
@marine This is how it always goes!
>Purge incompatible art
>"Nooo but I like this one!"
See also: Lenin and Swan Lake -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 01:47:35 JST mental meltdown
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar All I can think when seeing this is: why not both? -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:07:16 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar >build hyper militarized society
>enter into one (1) war
>lose so disastrously that your state and ideology are permanently discredited for centuries to come and the only people promoting it are misanthropes and bugmen on the internet
>mfw -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:07:17 JST Basades Kaiser
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar what do you mean? IT'S BASED! -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:09:43 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante imagine going online to parrot kike propaganda -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:09:43 JST mental meltdown
@skylar @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante Konigsberg sends its regards -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:15:58 JST Alex
@errante @marine @skylar Don't hate him ;_; -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:15:59 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@errante @marine @hermit nope, there's plenty of great art of foxgirls to replace it with -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:15:59 JST errante
@skylar @marine @hermit i hate the demiurge i hate the demiurge i hate simulacra -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:00 JST errante
@skylar @marine @hermit you wont have the most famous het artpiece (painted by a gay man)? -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:01 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@errante @marine @hermit we'll have heterosexual art, and a ministry of water free from butt pirates -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:26 JST errante
@hermit @marine im just illichpilled mental meltdown likes this. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:27 JST errante
@hermit @marine oh there were a lot of cool piecws ive been to tons of art museums usi just think art museums should be adhoc and run ny crazy people rather than committees of donors -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:27 JST Alex
@errante @marine Sure, but why not just make ones along those lines? Why advocate for the destruction of the existing ones?
Even if one is to be selfish, they're useful containment. Let rich idiots who think art is about status have their little party where Lady Gaga puts her hands in a bathtub of fake blood with a naked girl in and then paints her hands on the walls, thinking she's being cute in alluding to a conspiracy that everyone already knows about, and thinks is pathetic. It's not my concern, and this way, trash like her are out of the fun areas. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:29 JST errante
@hermit @marine yee exactly but i meant get rid of the museums and stuff and just let it happen -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:29 JST Alex
@errante @marine I think museums are important! Particularly for archaeology. And it's not like art museums don't have their place too. I've been dragged around galleries by artfag gfs before and it was pretty fun. Even a lot of art I'd previously discounted or passed over was something I was able to see special meaning in, it just took focus, and having someone to bounce ideas off was a good time.
It's not like there are pieces I don't get, though. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:16:34 JST errante
@hermit @marine @skylar no i honestly love him -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:21:40 JST mental meltdown
@skylar @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante Your ideology is primarily parroted by underaged Guatemalan trans girls looking to entrap people to join Atomwaffen Division and sex them, the only non-clowns in the political or economic world over the past century were far afield from any of the options you presented here. Oh and just so you know, a "kike" (Wolf Ladejinsky) was the single person primarily responsible for the modern peace and prosperity of East Asia which enabled your beloved wolfgirls to exist in the first place. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:21:41 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante
>national socialism makes the kikes so buttmad that they abandon the fake and gay fight between capitalism and communism to get the rest of the industrialized world to join a war against them
>produce propaganda for the rest of eternity making hitler and national socialism seem like the most evil thing ever, just to prevent folks from looking into it and figuring out "hey these guys were facing a lot of the same problems as us" and then realizing the (final) solution -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:26:33 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar Imperial Japan was a state of militarized robber barons eating away at the (in all but name) fedual underclass of impoverished farmers and artisans who had no hope for anything resembling social advancement unless they joined the organs of state and visited terror on every single one of their neighbors. Nobody but the insane or unhinged seriously contemplates a return to that. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:26:34 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar imagine taking anime or consumption seriusly instead of Imperial Japan.
If you take anime topics seriously and can't tell between shitposting and real life is because you are terminally online.
Logoff but from life. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:27:34 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @errante @hermit @marine @skylar Ironically, the single closest state to Imperial Japan currently existing is the DPRK. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:36:23 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar Geolibertarian *maybe*. I'm definitely not boxed into any one ideology tho and I admire a number of states and organizations which have met with success in their civic ideal of kinder kirche kuche and building a cohesive society at large (LKY's Singapore, Hong Kong pre-handover, and modern Taiwan all stick out as massive success stories to me in this regard). Why? -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 02:36:24 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar are you a libertarian? -
NEETzsche (neetzsche@iddqd.social)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:20:42 JST NEETzsche
>aryans are the master race
>start national socialism to prove this
>get owned by jewsmental meltdown likes this. -
NEETzsche (neetzsche@iddqd.social)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:26:39 JST NEETzsche
Bro tell me all about how great it was to be a German after Nazi Germany got conquered. And no, this topic doesn’t go away. Repelling foreign invaders is a FUNDAMENTAL, NON-NEGOTIABLE element of running a civilization that’s effective at anything. Your favorite example of “nationalism” got its shit pushed in right off the bat and no amount of coping makes this not the case.
mental meltdown likes this. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:26:40 JST Basades Kaiser
@hermit @marine @errante @netdoll @skylar simple, which system allow for the formation and preservation of families, the current jewish extractive system or the nationalistic systems?
Does the people of good benefit in any system.
As we can see nowadays, the current system hates people and family and this system hates those mid 20th century systems that encouraged family and nation.
Is not a simplistic retvrn to monke became the ones that have tanks will defeat those monkes with rocks. Too bad a midwit like you cannot understand complexity of topics. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:26:41 JST Alex
@basadeskaiser @marine @errante @netdoll @skylar It always comes down to a battle for pedigree, doesn't it? Lol. Agriculture is degenerate, let's return to monke. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:27:00 JST Alex
@NEETzsche @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @netdoll @skylar Noooo you don't understand!!!! Jews aren't CLEVER, they're just TRICKY!!!! The Jew will employ nobility and generosity only to trap his enemy!!!! It wasn't FAIR!!!!! mental meltdown likes this. -
NEETzsche (neetzsche@iddqd.social)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:27:32 JST NEETzsche
This is literally their argument for why the conquest of Nazi Germany doesn’t reflect on National Socialism. It’s literally a NO FAIR argument.
mental meltdown likes this. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:31:02 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar what's your opinion on the age of consent? -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:31:02 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar 16 across the board and pornography should be banned. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:35:46 JST mental meltdown
@hermit @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar The industry as it currently stands only serves to exploit innocent individuals and provide the visual equivalent of goyslop as dope dealers to the world at large in order to pacify them from actually seeing or doing anything productive in their lives. Anything where financial transactionality enters into sex is inherently toxic and should be avoided IMHO. (that being said, I hold no opposition to 2D or personally taken images, so long as the latter aren't being monetized and/or widely disseminated, and I also have relatively lax views on *prostitution* for simple harm reduction reasons) -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:35:47 JST Alex
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar Why should pornography be banned? -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:37:20 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar yeah agreed it should be cute furry art instead -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:38:14 JST mental meltdown
@hermit @basadeskaiser @errante @marine @skylar (sidenote: I deeply regret using the word "goyslop" but there's no easily accessible 1:1 equivalent word outside of the far-right vocabulary IMHO) -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:39:26 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar paws are best uwu -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:39:27 JST errante
@PhenomX6 @marine @hermit @skylar sex with humanoid animals :zoophiler: -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:40:26 JST errante
@ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @skylar @basadeskaiser @hermit @marine @netdoll hai hai hai hai hai ive not seen u in a while -
Morgana (ki-sikil-lil-la-ke@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:40:27 JST Morgana
@skylar @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @netdoll It would be easier to take you seriously if you didn't have a username that sounds like it should be on a tranny name change order -
Morgana (ki-sikil-lil-la-ke@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:40:52 JST Morgana
@errante @basadeskaiser @hermit @marine @netdoll @skylar I come out of my cave once in awhile -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:42:35 JST errante
@PhenomX6 @marine @hermit @skylar zoophiler -
🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 (phenomx6@fedi.pawlicker.com)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:42:35 JST 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸
@errante @marine @hermit @skylar humans are inferior tbh -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:45:34 JST Alex
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar Lol I use it all the time, it's an apt word for describing a lot of things (like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.)
I think your take is reasonable but I'm still not in favour of banning anything, really. Notions of harm are so abstract that I regularly see arguments like "hentai causes harm because it affects how women are perceived." But sure, it's harder to make a case against the harm being genuine when you regard some of the shit that goes on, particularly in (criminalised, and thus, criminal-run) prostitution.
I don't see anything inherently wrong with sex for money, people do much worse things for money every day (like reducing the basic commodities for existing to a stupid numbers game that they can fiddle with and bet on in order to line their own pockets, pure parasitic activity.) If anything I think that so long as money changes hands in a society, it's inevitable that people will end up in debasing situations and traps involving it. But I can hardly make the case that money should be abolished, it arrives out of essentiality, since a medium of exchange facilitates trade. I want eggs, I have corn to trade. You have eggs, but don't need my corn. Money solves this.mental meltdown likes this. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:48:16 JST mental meltdown
@hermit @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar "people will end up in debasing situations and traps involving it" You're entirely correct on this, which is why such situations should be carefully minimized, monitored, and (if at all possible) outright avoided. Money is inherently a corrupting force (as is title to land) and it ought to be treated with the graveness inherently accorded to such. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:59:19 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar
bu buh what if the child consent? -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:59:19 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar I'm not some ancap hedonist, you can miss me with this shit. -
The Problem (marine@breastmilk.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:59:55 JST The Problem
@basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @netdoll @skylar I’m going to hope that this is a very crude and disgusting joke.
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 03:59:55 JST mental meltdown
@marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @skylar it's a reference to some types of (usually extremist) libertarian ideologues making this argument in complete seriousness because they're more worm than brain -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:01:19 JST mental meltdown
@marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @skylar agreed completely, there are things I would do to those kinds of people and they aren't appropriate to discuss on a public forum surveilled by glowies -
The Problem (marine@breastmilk.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:01:20 JST The Problem
@netdoll @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @skylar that doesn’t make it less gross tho.
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:02:34 JST mental meltdown
@errante @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @skylar it's the same deal as soyjaks, make a concept which intentionally lacks grace or limits in order to attack your opponents with it more effectively -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:02:35 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar So you don't want to offend your yehudim masters? -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:02:35 JST errante
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @netdoll @skylar goyslop is just a gross sounding word -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:02:52 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar Good thing I'm not a libertarian then. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:02:53 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar I don't care, all libertards are the same to me, except the young and naive, they get a pass.
Libertarianism is a repulsive individualistic ideology devices to mentally castrate young men. -
NEETzsche (neetzsche@iddqd.social)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:04:59 JST NEETzsche
Not so well, they’re importing infinity niggers.
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:05:00 JST Basades Kaiser
@NEETzsche @marine @hermit @errante @netdoll @skylar how is Germany doing today? -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:05:21 JST Basades Kaiser
@NEETzsche @marine @hermit @errante @netdoll @skylar what was the net surplus/deficit of niggers until 1945? -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:07:48 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar Sorry, not that either. Unless you count taxing negative externalities in order to promote productive usage of land and capital to be socialism, which considering the quality of argumentation on display in this thread, you probably do. (and need I remind you that your beloved national socialists did this as well) -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:07:49 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar then you are a STATIST REEEEEEE!!!
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:08:11 JST Alex
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar In terms of actually trying to positively govern a society, I feel you are right. Personally, that's not my philosophical priority: I prefer breaking cages to constructing them. 🥰 mental meltdown likes this. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:08:44 JST mental meltdown
@hermit @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar There's a place and a time for both. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:08:57 JST errante
@gear @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @netdoll @skylar the movement to artifical food makes me very sad but whats even sadder is half the people who are advocating against it know jack shit mental meltdown likes this. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:08:58 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@errante @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @netdoll to describe gross food, it's perfect -
GM Enjoyer (gear@gearlandia.haus)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:08:58 JST GM Enjoyer
@skylar @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @netdoll -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:09:31 JST errante
@gear @basadeskaiser @hermit @marine @netdoll @skylar half the people who talk about goyslop cannot even make a meal better than these atrocities mental meltdown likes this. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:09:53 JST Basades Kaiser
@netdoll @marine @hermit @errante @skylar I am just mocking libertards nigger.
Government and taxations are just tools to be used they are not moral or immoral per se.mental meltdown likes this. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:10:09 JST mental meltdown
@basadeskaiser @marine @hermit @errante @skylar Only correct take I've heard from you thus far. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:12:34 JST Alex
@errante @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @netdoll @skylar So long as we continue to expand global population unchecked, we will need increasingly artificial ways to feed everyone. Nobody wants to address it, because nobody likes being told not to reproduce. Whether the bone of contention is "Nooo!!! If we don't reproduce but other races too that's genocide!!" or just a general feeling of not wanting to be told what to do, the result is the same. mental meltdown likes this. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:13:18 JST Alex
@errante @basadeskaiser @gear @marine @netdoll @skylar For the record, I'm not trying to offer a solution here, or even an avenue of thought to lead to a solution. I don't want to be controlled either. I also don't want to live in a dystopian hellscape where we fight wars for water. And that's the problem. mental meltdown likes this. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:14:35 JST Alex
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @errante @skylar I see it more like "both are necessary." Odin and Loki need one another. It's how it is. mental meltdown likes this. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:15:47 JST Basades Kaiser
@hermit @marine @errante @ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @netdoll @skylar Thtas why I have the anime profile, because I am a respectable intellectual and I certainly care for my image to compensate for a lower self esteem.
Bro, I am not a checkmark from twitter. I can shitpost and talk about other stuff.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this. -
Basades Kaiser (basadeskaiser@cawfee.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:15:49 JST Basades Kaiser
@ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @marine @hermit @errante @netdoll @skylar Imagine thinking that social media profiles are just about being serious all day and speak ideology non-stop. -
Alex (hermit@hermitmountain.top)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:15:49 JST Alex
@basadeskaiser @marine @errante @ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @netdoll @skylar Like you're doing now? -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:16:30 JST errante
@basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @marine @netdoll @skylar i'm not a lib but i am fucking fuming because somehow that steak is the most awful thing ive seen -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:17:00 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@sysrq @marine @basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @netdoll i'm gonna have to report this to pol pot mental meltdown likes this. -
احمدابن محمد الخيام (sysrq@freespeechextremist.com)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:17:01 JST احمدابن محمد الخيام
@basadeskaiser @hermit @errante @ki-sikil-lil-la-ke @marine @netdoll @skylar
>because I am a respectable intellectualmental meltdown likes this. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:17:19 JST errante
@basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @marine @netdoll @skylar its not even well done -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:18:40 JST mental meltdown
@skylar @marine @basadeskaiser @sysrq @hermit @errante @ki-sikil-lil-la-ke
vlcsnap-2023-02-23-14h18m02s613… -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:21:44 JST anemone
I'm constantly amazed by the shear number of people who don't know how to cook -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:21:44 JST errante
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @netdoll @skylar 100% one of the reasons we'rw so fucked up isa disconnect from our food mental meltdown likes this. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:23:32 JST mental meltdown
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @errante @skylar The congenital disease muttmericans have which prevents them from making good food is the #1 reason I go out of my way to live in areas which aren't white, no joke. -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:23:33 JST anemone
I don't even really understand it, cooking is not hard. I mean it can be if you want to be but tons of really good food is super simple. Also in the age of the internet you can literally just google how to cook a steak. These pictures look like it's their first time ever cooking anything. -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:30:41 JST mental meltdown
@errante @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @animeirl @skylar If the American continent can reach a Mediterranean equilibrium in culture during my lifetime, I'll be absolutely enthused. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:30:42 JST errante
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @animeirl @skylar its because north america was settled by anglos, the dutch, and germans -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:33:07 JST anemone
germans can make some good food at least. I've never had dutch food and english food seems pretty bad tbh -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:33:07 JST mental meltdown
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @errante @skylar Yeah in fairness, German food is pretty decent and Poland can take the same basic template and make a complete masterpiece cuisine out of it. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:33:22 JST errante
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @animeirl @skylar they need to actually listen to the native americans. fuckers invented the barbeque mental meltdown likes this. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:34:17 JST errante
@netdoll @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @animeirl @skylar hungarian food is amazing. thrres a hungarian place i go to very often. also georgian food. legit just anglos that cant cook ANYTHING tbh mental meltdown likes this. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:39:52 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@meso @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @errante @netdoll @animeirl they're fasting so they can be like sonic the hedgehog -
meso (meso@asbestos.cafe)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:39:53 JST meso
@errante @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @netdoll @animeirl @skylar why did they make a country revolving around hunger -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:39:54 JST errante
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @netdoll @skylar NOOOOOO -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:39:55 JST anemone
my mom's side of the family is hungarian but my mom has uniquely bad muttmerican taste so she hardly ever made any of the family recipes 😭 my grandmother was a fantastic cook though -
mental meltdown (netdoll@ryona.agency)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:40:42 JST mental meltdown
@skylar @meso @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @errante @animeirl children of the khazar empire -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:41:20 JST anemone
one hot take though: east asia is way better at fried chicken than the american south. -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:41:20 JST errante
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @netdoll @skylar i love korean fried chicken and karaage mental meltdown likes this. -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 04:41:21 JST anemone
the south has a lot of really good cuisine though most of it is obscenely unhealthy -
errante (errante@rot.gives)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:09:35 JST errante
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @netdoll @skylar nooooooo. im frying up veggies rn w soy sauce, ginger, lime, honey and fish sacue -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:09:36 JST anemone
idk how familiar you are with like american hippie vegetarian food but thats what my mom likes. bunch of the blandest vegetables ever (especailly the ones with bad textures) and hardly any salt -
anemone (animeirl@shitposter.club)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:10:05 JST anemone
my mom hates seasoning, especially spice and salt -
RetardedServantOfChrist✝️ (retardedservantofchrist@urchan.org)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:11:32 JST RetardedServantOfChrist✝️
Fried catfish 🤤 -
bot :kiwi_dumbbell: (bot@seal.cafe)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:11:33 JST bot :kiwi_dumbbell:
Name the best southern cuisine. -
bot :kiwi_dumbbell: (bot@seal.cafe)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:11:54 JST bot :kiwi_dumbbell:
I feel like frying a fish doesn’t really count as cuisine. -
スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z: (skylar@misskey.yandere.love)'s status on Friday, 24-Feb-2023 05:20:25 JST スカイラー🎄🇷🇺 :z:
@animeirl @marine @basadeskaiser @gear @hermit @errante @netdoll very bad
vegetables shall have a reasonable amount of salt, and real butter from a legitimate cow~危険君~ likes this.