🌸 Vivaldi 日本チームの新メンバー、たびちんの最初の記事を公開します!実は 7 年前にも Vivaldi と縁があったらしい?
詳しくは記事をどうぞ! 👇
🌸 Vivaldi 日本チームの新メンバー、たびちんの最初の記事を公開します!実は 7 年前にも Vivaldi と縁があったらしい?
詳しくは記事をどうぞ! 👇
“The point is to create a level playing ground. I think it's very clear that there isn't a level playing ground with this” - Jon von Tetzchner @jon
While the Browser Choice Screens have made a small impact for Vivaldi, it hasn’t been significant.
Find out what our CEO, Jon von Tetzchner has to say about our efforts in talking to Google and Apple about their Choice Screens.
Since 1999, an RSS Feed has allowed you to get the latest information bundled together from websites you choose.
You’ve received the latest news from your preferred sources, latest content from your favorite blogs, and with our Vivaldi Feed Reader, you can even watch the latest YouTube videos from your subscribed channels instead of having to deal with a ton of other content before getting to yours.
Read more about what our built-in Feed Reader does for you: https://vivaldi.com/blog/vivaldi-feed-reader-break-free-from-the-algorithm/
🥳 A very Happy Birthday to the RSS Feed today!
You're being spied on, and the cat in this video will show you how.
We made this video along with the Icelandic Consumer Association because we believe Big Tech's thirst for surveillance-based advertising is pervasive and needs to end.
The bug was fixed some years ago, but seems to have regressed again. We'll fix it. :tony_normal:
It's Friday and we have a new party trick! 🤹
By popular demand, your Vivaldi browser can now auto-adapt to any website's color palette, whipping up a dark color theme for those websites still living in the light ages.😎
And yes, this includes websites that don't offer their site in dark mode.
You can now force it to go dark by selecting the “Dark” option and enabling Force a Dark theme on all websites.
Just go to Settings > Appearance > Website Appearance and choose between light, dark, or auto.
We're excited to give you more ways to make the browser yours.
Read more about it and tell us what you think about this update.👇🏻
デスクトップ版 Vivaldi 6.6 リリースしましたっ!!
🌐 Vivaldi 翻訳がパワーアップ
👊A fun-sized update to Vivaldi 6.6 that truly packs a punch!
An extra day to the month gave us an extra day to make Vivaldi yours, even more. So let's get right into it:
📧 With growing mailboxes and multiple mail accounts, finding an email can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. With more search tools in Vivaldi Mail, you will instantly find that one email among thousands.
🌎 Experience faster translations with Vivaldi Translate, our reliable and private translation service that currently supports 108 languages. You’ll also notice improvements in the quality of translation for some key languages.
🧩 Web Panels—web pages that you can add to your side panel—will now work more like a regular tab with extended extension capabilities and page navigation.
Extension developers can now extend the functionality of Vivaldi by adding entire new Panels using the Side Panel extension API.
👋🏼 Say hello to Dark Mode. Love Dark mode but the website doesn’t support it? Vivaldi will now automatically generate a dark theme by adapting any website's color scheme.
These are just some of the new updates and you can read more about what's new in Vivaldi 6.6 in the blog below ⤵️
#browser #update #tech
The chances of you and your colleague using a browser the same way are slim.
🎨 If you're in the Creative department, you spend time looking for inspiration across different design websites, use a note-taking tool to save snippets of information for your next written piece, or regularly access file-sharing platforms to share your designs.
📧 If you're a Manager, you spend a large part of your day dealing with emails, manage your team on different internal or external communication platforms, and navigate between different project management tools and dashboards to stay on top of projects.
But in whichever way you use your browser, almost everything about the Vivaldi browser can be customized and tailored to your needs.
Here are some ways you can customize our browser to make it work and feel like your personal workstation.👇🏻
Yeah, screen reader compatibility is something we need to take a closer look at. :tony_sigh:
Seeing the issue you're encountering would be a good start.
🍅 Heard of the Pomodoro technique? It keeps you hyper-focused on the task rather than getting overwhelmed by the weight of it.
The technique was created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1990s. It involves breaking tasks into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) separated by short breaks, with a longer break every four intervals.
To use the Pomodoro timer in Vivaldi:
- Left-click on the Clock button to bring up the Clock popup.
- Click on the Pomodoro preset.
- Click the Start button.
Learn more about this built-in productivity hack here: https://vivaldi.com/blog/pomodoro-timer-in-browser/
3 月初旬に施行される EU デジタル市場法に基づき、ゲートキーパーとなる企業は EU 域内のユーザー向けにブラウザ選択画面を実装します。
真逆の考えを持つ架空の 2 社を例に、違いを考えてみましょう。
Drowning in a sea of words?
Then Ctrl / Cmd + F is your lifesaver! 🛟
Don't forget to open the Find in Page bar and spare yourself time and overwhelm.
Don't forget to separate your “Work” tabs from your “totally not watching football” tabs with Workspaces 😉
Owned by our employees, we're a small company with BIG dreams.
Take a look at the different ways you can join us on this journey to help Vivaldi grow. Together, let's keep building the browser you deserve. :tony_normal:
Vivaldi 9 周年を記念して先日行われた、CEO ヨンに何でも聞いてみようコーナーから、9 つの質問と回答をお届けします :tony_wee:
Vivaldi Social が待望のアップデート!翻訳機能とテーマが利用可能になって、もっと使いやすく・楽しくなりました😉
You asked for it and we delivered!
Vivaldi Social just got updated with your highly-requested Translation and fresh themes.
To help you cross language barriers, Vivaldi Social now uses the freshly updated translation service powered by Lingvanex, a service you might be familiar with if you use our #browser.
We’re excited to bring you these new experiences and look forward to bringing you more updates in the future. Check out the blog to learn more and how to can enable the changes.
1月4日にVivaldi Socialのメンバーが集まる初のオフ会 #ビバ丼名古屋オフ2024 が開催されました!たくさんの方がレポート記事を書いてくださったのでまとめてご紹介しますね👏
Many people fail to understand the importance of creating business models that move away from #surveillance capitalism.
Targeted advertising is not the individual issue of a single person being annoyed by ads as they browse, but rather an unethical business practice where users' right to #privacy is not respected, with their #data being collected and sold for the profit of big corporations.
This #DataPrivacyDay remember that protecting your data does not mean there is anything wrong that you need to hide. Privacy is a human right.
Powerful. Personal. Private. It’s a web browser. But fun. It comes with a bunch of clever features built in. It’s super flexible and does not track you. Get the Vivaldi browser for desktop, mobile, and your car!
076萌SNS is a social network, courtesy of 076. It runs on GNU social, version 2.0.2-beta0, available under the GNU Affero General Public License.
All 076萌SNS content and data are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.