Notices by Arkana (, page 2
@YeetLibs The whole zombie genre really was just a proxy for negros running wild. People will deny this, but its completely true. The whole concept of a zombie comes from black voodoo loa possession too
Every single time. This person even removed "Jewish" from their bio after being called out
@Goalkeeper The thing that was crazy for me was Fauna saying she has to keep renewing the perms for something like Dark Souls. So they can't just get it once, it's time limited and they have to ask again later. I know Nintendo did a similar thing with Pokemon which prevented all of them from streaming that after a certain date. It's absolutely awful bureaucracy
Watching videos like this of India both not only highlights how much better my living conditions are, but also how dirty they still are. You can make the mental check of "what here is like India" and that shows you how awful it is. This will probably be how parts of Canada end up in a few years too.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @declarer7 I'm gonna have to post this to you every time you send something awful
Some people really need to remember this when they keep posting outrage bait
@wgiwf @ArdainianRight @freddie_the_fed I see it as people who have an aversion to beauty, in the same way that many seem to hate anime. They dislike that something cute, beautiful, attractive, could exist and take affront to it on principle. Either out of envy that they don't look like that, that they can't have that for themselves, or some other personal reason that shows the insecurity of their inner self. They are not comfortable with the concept of others openly being able to appreciate in that beauty, so they must cover it up and prevent that.
@ChristiJunior @Seth_Wachhaltamittel Yep
Since Haiti is in the news again I'll repost these
@pepsi_man @milk I have said various times that Veganism is inherently anti-human. They think that humanity is incompatible with the natural world and cannot have a symbiotic relationship with it. That humans interacting with the natural world is always negative. So telling them to kill themselves is apt.
Japanese twitter has it. Also the translation they're using is really good now
Soon in Capcom games they won't be allowed to have "woman" or "female" in the script at all. This is from the dead rising port
@Shlomo Godspeed
I had a nice dream where I started a relationship with a sweet mute/disabled girl. I'll take that as a birthday present
@wan @wgiwf @monsterislandcolonizer @veff @WoodshopHandman A tale as old as time
One problem I have with remembering my dreams well enough is then I have a strong intent to write them down, and I just end up with false awakenings of me attempting (and failing) to write the dream down in my dream journal.
It's like I have just enough awareness to remember what's going on, but not enough to properly do anything about it
Target western audience = dead game
Goodnight, hope I dream of cute jimiko girls
Two "LGBT" games just released, one being a multiplayer hero shooter funded by Sony, and the other being a single player roadtrip game funded by Quantic Dream. Both of them have abysmal player counts.
Concord is $40 and Dustborn is $30 and I don't think people would even want to play them if they were free.
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