@moffintosh was talking with friends about bartering/haggling in traditional markets, we were talking about strategies and how much we could lower the price of goods
so i just asked them if such strategies could be applied to salary negotiation, then it all turned sombre and were all like "just take what the employer offers"
so i ask, is it a common HR practice to reject candidates you're going to hire because they wanted too much before negotiation??
@sim@Moon oh! that's also an interesting topic, as the prophets from Adam to Isa (Jesus) get alaihissalam (peace be upon him), for instance Prophet Isa (as), whereas Muhammad, being the last and most important prophet, gets sallahu alaihi wassalam (Blessings of God be upon him as well as peace), often abbeviated as "saw", so Prophet Muhammad (saw)
@Moon it refers directly to the phrase Allahu Akbar (God is Great), uttered mostly during prayers another important phrase ﷽ (bismillah - in the name of god), done before doing prayers or other actions. it's important enough to get its own unicode code point (U+FDFD), and apparently in Pleroma it counts as a single character!
@Moon Assalamualaikum (and its hebrew counterpart, shalom aleichem) are often used as greetings, meaning "peace be upon you". the person being greeted has to return the greeting with walaikum salam (or in hebrew, aleichem shalom), which has similar meaning "upon you be peace"