@moffintosh was talking with friends about bartering/haggling in traditional markets, we were talking about strategies and how much we could lower the price of goods
so i just asked them if such strategies could be applied to salary negotiation, then it all turned sombre and were all like "just take what the employer offers"
so i ask, is it a common HR practice to reject candidates you're going to hire because they wanted too much before negotiation??
@cell @moffintosh I have tried to negotiate with employers but they have all the power and they know you need a job so I don't recall ever getting anything. A couple times I tried to negotiate for better vacation, I even said "I will take a lower salary if you give me more vacation days" and they literally would not do it.
@Moon @cell @moffintosh the best decision i've ever made is making sure to always gather blackmail material on my immediate superiors. you don't even have to threaten them because that's a crime, just let them know you have it and the guilt and stress will make them treat you better
@All_bonesJones @Moon @cell @moffintosh absolute Jones move
@coolboymew @Moon @cell @moffintosh when my two options in life are lose playing in a rigged game or get away with robbing the dealer why the FUCK would i play nice