@mischievoustomato@fuggy there's a good example of how to modularlize home-manager so that it can be opt-in on each system and by user. i'll see if i can look through my long list of config repos to find it. i tried home-manager but couldn't really get into it. it's like nix inside of nix inside of nix. i'm probably doing it wrong
@fuggy yeah, it'd be one thing if you could just stick to the terminal and nothing else. but i haven't reached that level of autism yet.
i'm sort of used to a boring compute experience, but i do like to make things easy on the eyes with theming. but it's like picking a domain name, can take an eternity if you let it (and i have)
@fuggy i didn't really notice until you mentioned it. no matter how many times i see this color scheme it feels good. in november i started writing a color scheme which is like a mashup between nord and dracula. i'll have to get that squared away and release it. call it vikingblood or something edgy lol
@fuggy did you make an overlay or did you create a fork of a package and use callpackage or something?
give `nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review` a try. if there's existing test harness to support the package you can also build the package itself and it should pickup integration or unit tests if the maintainer has written them.
you can also manually smoke test your change set which may be quicker depending on the diff between your change and the upstream package.
@fuggy im just a hacker. most of my configs are in a constant state of trash. don't sweat it. your .dots are actually well organized and legible compared do many.
i can relate to the perfectionism all too well. nix is like gasoline for this trait.
if you do a code search on github you will find examples of pro drivers. if i come upon one ill send it your way.
you have similar tastes in software so if you want to collaborate on some fixes let me know. ill stand up a github account.
have you tried hyprland on any old gear? ive got a t480(s) that i may try it on. but it doesn't sound promising for this platform.
@fuggy i may or may not be a package maintainer and upstream contributor. :think: currently undercover
btw, anyone who uses and sets up declarative newsboat config is a de facto fren. i need to finish wiring up my video pipeline on this piece of software.
i'll circle back in the not-so-distant future with dots for you.
btw, your amdgpu setup is identical to mine, but i'm running on apu.
@fuggy got .dots? this looks really nice. is the terminal transparent or is it a gradient? i still haven't switched to hyprland, it's a lot of moving parts for me. i'm still swaying along on a custom flake to setup sway so that it's less sway.