@coolboymew@xianc78 this is a company that used cartridges instead of CDs because they were butthurt about piracy in the FDS era and ended up shooting themselves in the foot because the PS1 and Saturn could have massive games for less, refused to implement basic online play for years and when they did went to goddamn GameSpy (while lacking features even the PS2 had), and came up with the most boomertastic crap like Splatoon's "voice chat".
@xianc78@beardalaxy The difference between the 2017ish days of CVille, "district court" rulings, and the like is that the economy is now in the toilet, and migration and cultural erasure has accelerated. Oh, and due to certain events, now normies are noticing it more on their feed.
@RustyCrab@Frondeur@cajax@coolboymew@feralphilosophernc they don't with me they want me to have interview skills or some high level skills and to say magic words I don't know I'm sick of the normie work world I need something not it before I'm using this tent I bought at Ollie's to live lmao
@coolboymew@RustyCrab@cajax unlike careerists I don't want wagie companies controlling my life and I treat my online life and irl life like crossing the streams
@RustyCrab@cajax also white people essentially being forced to choose between a shitass job and moving back in with parents who might or might not be total pieces of shit.
The latter is why you hear about vrchat losers hooking up and trying to date and move in