@rasterman@givenup@Paultron For real, around 25 you start having symptoms of loss of skin collagen, hyperpigmentation, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, hair loss and greying, decreased sebum production, tooth loss, Muscle loss and decreased sweat production. It's all inevitable and irreversible. For example here is a 24 year old on the left and a 26 year old on the right.
@rasterman Always had it in the back of the mind to try after effects or premiere since apparently all the professional video editors use it. Never would've subscribed to any of their plans. There's some post-production processing and effects that's really fancy I saw on the tubes that I'm not sure how to really mimic with anything else. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jv4axtpnZps
@Suzu@Wiz@udongle It's not a Sheppard tone methinks, it's a unresolved chord progression which I think builds up the anticipation the more it loops. I wonder how many measures and instrument additions it takes before most people just give up on listening. Then just let it end on just one bar of the bass. Genius.
@Suzu@Wiz@udongle The beat drops when it switches to 3/4 time (dropped the 4th beat in the measure) and plays that Terry Davis Space Alien cover that Rapist Goku shares around here.
@professionalbigot69@Shlomo@Remi I read foreigner opinion of Japanese is that they are midgets and feminized children. The foreigners that are big nosed goblins with yellow eyes.
@leespringfield1903 I cringe in pain when I imagine what sort of embarrassment and degrading script and lines the JP voice actors had to go through to say some of the lines. It honestly has to be worst than being a hentai voice actor, you have to say it so straight faced. The amount of spiritual karoushi due to embarrassment must have filled the red sea with blood. The most oppressed race. Seiyuu
@rochelle@hauntedhideaway That never happened, they just handed the problem off to a group of statisticians and they invented a opposition to their claim. The brass didn't know what to think of it. Otherwise the problem never would've been handed off to them.
@MK2boogaloo@lamp I will argue as her Defence Attorney that I am clinically insane and that all charges be dropped Exceptional circumstances, imperial pardon.
@MK2boogaloo also: "We are the same, that's why we must kill each other and join as friends meet each other again someday in the afterlife" jrpg vs. ""our differences are irreconcilable, our values are an affront to the other, we must end the dialectic by complete annihilation of polar opposites, one earns eternal hellfire the other prosperity" Western fiction. There's this strange love that happens between foes that makes the final fights endearing. Gauron: "I love you"