Two Magazines of WaifusWaifus one of Shitposter-tan and another of Nulled-tan (Basically a bunch of pictures)
Two old Magazines (one unfinished) WaifusWaifus 1 and 2
Linux, PC and Mac versions of the first chapter of the Fedivn Visual Novel that you can also read RIGHT NOW on (I can’t believe my instance is this cute, featuring Pleroma-tan)
An old Visual novel in colab with InstallGentoo called DailyRat
Complete collection of the Commited Lines webcomic
May or may not add other goodies later
My most sincere thanks to Moon and Disarray since they Commissioned SPC-tan and Nulled-tan, I am deeply thankful :blobpray:
In case the website becomes too slow, I’ll be releasing the whole thing again after the onionket, in the normal web ofc. probably in a subdomain.
You can read more info about the project at Tho be careful with the nsfw pages since there are lots. (fr) Thanks to the onionket staff for letting us participate.
PD: the Website is down because I have to update plemora and I have been SICK on a VACATIONS :02yell:
PD2: Some stuff is incomplete also because of my health, but I intend to work on stuff soon, including opening commissions again, and in case someone is interested in helping with the pleroma-tan visual novel, I also was intending on making it open source at some point, you can send a message to me anytime.
@coolboymew@nukie i have a wiki and treebird also running there, maybe some other stuff I don't remember, would need to reinstall that too :ablobdizzy:
@ElDeadKennedy@meso aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's fucking over we have lost every thing WE LOST EVERYTHING