@pressure@Elliptica@MeBigbrain@SpurgAnon It's more like western entertainment involving actual children to do depraved things (see Cuties) but will distract people by saying that chinese cartoons voiced by grown women and drawn by adults are somehow the real problem.
@hazlin For some reason this project wasn’t as confusing for me and I got it done in a relatively shorter amount of time, I guess it’s becauese things are not moving all across the screen? Anyways, this is a simple memory-matching game. Test the original game for yourself here. For my version, I’ve added a hover animation (where your mouse moves to, a tile will change color) and a restart button.
Note to self: To change a cosmetic or to create visual objects, put it in the draw = function()
By the way, my restart button basically does the same thing as the restart button outside of the game box. I added it because if you think about it, a real game would need one inside of it. While setting them back to tile.isFaceUp to false is easy, it’s not a true reset because the actual cards don’t change. So it’s kind of cheating!
So for that, we’d need to make it truly reset for a fair start-over. We’ve come over some weird bugs trying to implement that, like the program would crash and the tiles would move out of their line. But eventually that was fixed by using the same code from the randomizer portion. Basically, a reset is when all the cards turn face down again and is randomized, that’s how it’s done here.
@hazlin I haven’t updated this in a while but I am ackshually learning python now. My husband is giving me a lot of private tutoring rather than me going online and doing activities. 😅 anyways here’s one of my first ones: a python script to tell you if a given word is a palindrome!
he wrote this afer many of my failed attempts. Even if I understand the general road of how to achieve my goal, remembering the grammar and syntax is still hard right now. I wrote retarded shit like if a[::-1] = true or if a == a[::-1]: but anyways this seems to be the way to do it and I have to just remember how it works!
@hazlin lol damn... animation was significantly more challenging 😂 I think I've spent a stupid amount of time on the triangles (too many positions) really have to make use of vars a lot too because you don't want everything moving at once.
calmArtist and hobbyist translator. I am currently translating Detective Qi Letian (神探齐乐天) for mine and others' enjoyment.If you can't communicate with me here for whatever reason, try my alt @ehhh@eientei.org