@rher@coolboymew not directly. I got fansubbed VHSes from friends, who got them from other friends, who got them from anime conventions. at some point, they must have been either copied from Japanese TV or imported somehow, but I was way down the totem pole.
but even in the 90s you could get some anime on the internet. that's how I first watched Evangelion, and there was a website with a guy called "DaBlackGoku" who would provide really low-quality RealPlayer videos of Dragon Ball GT episodes.
@hj@threat@moth_ball what is it about this frozen shithole that they keep producing great vidya? do they secret have Atlantis-tier technology while the rest of the world suffers in the dark ages?
>play cool new game >it's from fucking Finland, again what is it about this country where they keep making kick-ass video games? answer me, @moth_ball, why is your country so rad!?!?
@thatguyoverthere@IsraelDelendaEst yeah, even Mark Twain would complain about how shitty the newspapers were in his time. they've just gotten hyper-pozzed since 2012 or so.
@IsraelDelendaEst@thatguyoverthere I stopped being a normie cuckservative once I could look at the founding of America objectively. they escaped one tyranny only to start another.
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