@eal@susie Well piratebay and some other stuff must blackholed by law. One time my study mate told that they got a call from isp for running an old version on next/owncloud exposed to the internet, which i feel like is bit scetch.
I don't know who I am so I can't tell you either.If you imply or say that mastodon is the whole fediverse, i will pröööh at youLost in life.Stuck between terminal and the woods.My life is tech and depression.If I do something stupid enough to get my self mute blocked, let me knowYou'd better have some posts before you follow me. Or something on which to base a guess on you personality and stuff. I will most likely @ you something semi silly after follow request if you haven't interacted with me in anyway.I don't know much about anything nor do I think that much.Freaks on E, that's what we fuck man!it's probably a skill issuefuck the england languake Probably mostly lighthearted non serious posting with occasional complaining about life sprinkled in the mix.also probably shite without content warning and image descriptionsEn haluu kuolla, en haluu tappaaEn haluu ottaa osaa tähän vitun paskaanlewds over @jonossaseuraava@fedi.criminallycute.fi#nobot