@DrRyanSkelton@nozaki follow good people, mute or block obnoxious people. It’s really that easy; this isn’t Facebook where garbage is shoved onto your TL whether you want it or not.
@Vril_Oreilly ultimately, the Holy Spirit, but even from a worldly perspective trying such a thing would draw too clear of a line in the sand. Ambiguity is better for him and people like him.
Vladimir Lenin taught that “he who says A must say B.” He was correct, but Patrick Deneen has not listened. Deneen says A, that our Regime, our ruling class, is destructive and evil. But he then refuses to say B, that the Regime is therefore wholly odious and illegitimate, and before any new system is possible, it must be destroyed. Instead, Deneen’s response to A is magical thinking. When the people peacefully complain enough, you see, the Regime will dismantle itself voluntarily and hand over power to a new ruling class, which will hold and implement opposite views on every matter under the sun. This absurd fantasy, even when cushioned within much fancy philosophy, harms rather than advances the postliberal project.
This is a recurring problem with conservatives. They can be okay at identifying problems, but seldom have solutions and don’t think things through to their logical conclusions.
@thatguyoverthere@apropos@BowsacNoodle the article does discuss laws around keeping water clean, e.g. keeping animals away. She doesn’t address how effective that was, though.
@sickburnbro yep, and it’s already here in a small way. Leftists like to signal against big trucks, and both they and some broadly Right-wing people talk about wanting “walkable cities,” more mass transit, and the like.