@RL_Dane Oh wow you've just reminded me of my old phone with the slide keyboard. I think it was a samsung galaxy something like this. My favourite phone I ever had. I had it for years. Was sad to upgrade it when it got too old. 😔
Game Director of Paleo Pines by Italic Pig. 🦕✨Founder of Lovewish. 💖Prev: Broken Sword 5, Beyond A Steel Sky.Mum, anime geek, she/herFormerly steamgirlgame on Twitter.Side note: I want Mastodon to be a fresh start. I care about social issues but I want to limit my connection to these things via social media. This means I may unfollow people that I agree with and even care about if I find their posts stressful. If I follow/unfollow an account, is not a moral judgement on that account.