@Mabande @aral Exactly. And when the left actually starts shouting that this is not ok, all they have to say is « oh look at how unstable they are, they just want to damage our institutions, they can’t cooperate ».
Notices by Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Aug-2024 17:15:38 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Aug-2024 15:24:32 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@aral It is extremely frightening to see this man casually dismiss the party and program most French people voted for.
The French Republic was created with very few anti-authoritarian protections, under the assumption that most people wouldn’t vote for a despot. Problem is, people can turn into despots, and now we see the issue: Macron will build a Frankenstein government to make sure he can pass his anti-social policies. Heinous.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 25-Aug-2024 18:57:46 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Time for this week's #Linux and #OpenSource News video!
I'm neck deep in boxes, trying to unpack my stuff in the new flat, so you can watch it to see what it's about!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 23-Jul-2024 18:05:14 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Microsoft now blaming the EU for the crowdstrike issue, because the EU made them open their APIs to third party developers in 2009 is hilarious.
If your APIs had any kind of gracious error handling, this wouldn’t be an issue. Fix your bad code, Microsoft, stop pointing fingers.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-2024 15:51:46 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@aral I am so relieved. As a French citizen, this was a pretty horrifying week, with a surprisingly delightful conclusion.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 21:46:33 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@fabio @Techaltar @dansup @jwildeboer Yeah, honestly, if there was an easy way to support me on PeerTube, I would much likely promote that first instead of YouTube. I would at least try to push PeerTube first for a while to see if that worked out.
Same for the podcast on Castopos, I would invest more time and effort on it if it could easily be user supported without having to mention Patreon in each episode.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 06-May-2024 21:46:32 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@Chocobozzz @fabio @Techaltar @dansup @jwildeboer It’s just a link to another payment system, with no integrations inside of Peertube though (unless I’m mistaken?)
Something like financially subscribing to a channel to get members-only content, or just setting up a « each time I watch a video from this person, I want to pay 1 cent automatically » sort of preference, these types of things :)
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 21-Apr-2024 08:03:51 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Did MKBHD ruin an AI company and their product because of their negative review of it?
No, the bad AI product ruined itself and its company. Just because someone created a business, found funding and created a thing doesn’t mean they should get instant recognition, and a pass for crappy stuff.
Entrepreneurs aren’t your friends, they aren’t superior, they don’t deserve to be coddled. When they make sh*t products, they should be told that they made sh*t. MKBHD did their job.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 23:41:12 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@ricol03 Yeah, if I can find interesting things to cover this way, I’ll definitely repeat the experience!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 23:40:00 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@ilarioq There are a few hundred answers already, so it seems to work ok for most people?
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 23:19:39 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
Hey everyone!
I'm working on a video to see what the Linux community (or at least people who follow me) actually use.
So, I created a little form, hosted on my Nextcloud (hopefully it's up to the task...)
It's only up for 2 days, so don't hesitate to share it around, it will help me "touch grass" and see if my preconceived notions are confirmed, or invalidated!
Of course, it's all anonymous, no personal data, it's just for the purposes of creating the video.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2024 21:22:32 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@ploum This is the reason why I interact less here than I used to. I love having discussions about topics that generate a lot of dissenting opinions, but once I’ve said my piece, I don’t want to be dragged into a week long discussion arguing where the goal posts should be.
Not being able to mute these threads is making Mastodon illegible at times, so I just stopped talking about « controversial » things to avoid this.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 29-Dec-2023 21:23:43 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
I finally got around to update the podcast instance to the latest version of @Castopod! Shouldn’t make much of a difference for listeners, but the admin dashboard is much better now.
Check it out at @tlenewspodcast and let me know if everything still works for you!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Thursday, 19-Oct-2023 19:39:21 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@PPrinplup Good! Let this app die, Musk turned it from « can be bad » to « disinformation central ». It should be removed!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 09-Oct-2023 18:18:04 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
A few comments on my latest video seem to paint a very depressing picture of how poorly people understand the political spectrum.
People saying these anti VPN laws are why the left shouldn’t be allowed to govern:
Sorry to tell you this, these laws are being passed by our current French government, which is absolutely right wing (some would say center right, but let’s be honest, they’re passing laws our far right has been dreaming of for decades).
The left is opposed to them.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 02:02:25 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@Joe_0237 I wouldn’t switch to something that hurts my day job for one sponsored video ;)
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 02:02:10 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
After 2 years using the same desktop for editing, running #Fedora and #GNOME, I made a big switch:
- first, I replaced both my desktop and my laptop with one single laptop for both use cases
- I moved to #KDE plasma
- I switched distros!Here is the whole new setup, how I configured KDE, and how everything works!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 07-Oct-2023 02:02:06 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@fabiscafe Well, it’s not :) It’s « hey my PC is struggling », then one click and you immediately know why, and you can take action. Compared to opening the system monitor, looking at the apps that use the most CPU, or RAM, or GPU, and then taking action.
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Sep-2023 02:21:25 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@r3_l5_r3 I think Peertube doesn’t support chapters yet. You do have all the time stamps in the description though!
Nick @ The Linux Experiment (thelinuxexp@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 23-Sep-2023 14:48:43 JST Nick @ The Linux Experiment
@ticktok @nik There’s also the delicious irony of asking a YouTuber to post direct links to videos not on YouTube.
Or the weird notion that somehow the hosting platform has anything to do with the contents of the video.
Same vibes as people who ask me for an article instead: I make videos. On Youtube. Not articles. I offer my stuff on Peertube, as a courtesy for people who want that. That’s enough, IMO.