Just found out the soyboy who runs GamingOnLinux nuked my profile because I put a notice on it explaining politely, without going into detail, why I don't use the site anymore.
I am literally living rent free in this twat's head. Dude was checking me out months after I was gone.
For further damning context: the reason I left was because Liam silently censored a comment of mine criticizing the German government's leniency towards child abusers. When I asked why, he could not give me a solid answer and was dismissive.
The guy also shills Bluesky out the ass, unironically believes Trump is going to start a genocide, and is friends with the Lutris maintainer who is known to be a DeVault simp. (yes, guilt by association fallacy, weak argument. But I'm taking a shit here, not trying to be smart)
So basically GOL is run by retarded closet pedophile who doesn't believe in free speech, has no balls, and is all-in on the pink pill.
Sometimes, I dream about the sucker asking for an interview with us (canithesis) for his lame site like 10 years from now, seeing us push towards support for Linux gaming, only to get fucked off lmao. And I laugh every time
@xianc78@PurpCat@RK7 I am glad they've acknowledged the code-only situation that many formerly proprietary games are under (Doom, Quake, etc), but I imagine that someone will still complain about it because it limits the sharing aspect.
Personally I believe the assets should be liberated too in most cases, but I can understand why that may not be a good idea especially if you are borrowing some media i.e. you have licensed music in your game, or if you want to incentivize people to buy a legit copy to use their free source port.
@xianc78 Regarding the FreeSoftwareExtremist fedi instance: the last time I interacted with someone from there, they straight up told me to commit suicide because my website had JavaScript on it.
The funny part was, the part that got them upset was a page asking for their consent.
@xianc78 I love the free software movement and I have a lot of respect for Mr. Stallman and his valuable contribution to computer science, despite his eccentricities.
However I will never be able to justify the "everything must be FOSS or you're a stupid normie" mindset. Diehard FOSS advocates are some of the most toxic elitists and I don't think they understand that they're only hurting their cause. RMS knows this and tries his darn best to not blame individuals for being abused by bad software companies.
A normal person is not going to think "I should drop everything I rely on to do my work because this guy on the internet told me I'm a retard." They're going to think free software is lame and continue to delay the inevitable M$ bullshit by using old Windows and then eventually just accept the malpractice.
I think a lot of the evil of proprietary software is overblown too, yes it is inherently anti-user in some ways, but the whole point of concern is that it's *easier* to abuse, not that it's always worse or better. Not all proprietary software is malware. Part of education on Free Software should be helping people understand how FOSS is more trustworthy and make it a selling point, distinct from the faux-privacy-focused corporations that lie to people using black boxes. Telling someone they need to go schizo and change their computing habits overnight to become some copyleft protestor to their own detriment will do nothing.
When I found out about the FOSS movement I did not drop all of my proprietary software. Especially since I'm a gamer so that makes up 99.9% of what I do. But I did learn a valuable lesson about trust and was able to selectively choose some free software alternatives for my work so that I could control my computer a little more. Software freedom is all about making good choices for yourself.
I think I know what is wrong with my tickrate system now.
I calculate the amount it steps in time to move forward depending on how much time has passed since the last tick, divided by the expected delay between ticks (1 over w_tickrate, in this case, 1/120th of a second).
The math is sound. I have gone over it again and again and again and again. However:
There is always microscopic differences in latency which are simply out of my control. And because everything is on a single thread, the speed at which the graphics are drawn every frame can have a wild influence on the latency between world updates. There's clue number one.
Clue number two: I do not store the delta anywhere as a member within the world class. I only truncate the result down to an 8-bit counter telling how many ticks to process. The time measurement then gets thrown away because I reset w_lastUpdate every tick without storing the remainder of the w_ticksDue calculation. There's clue number 2.
Clue number 3: certain events within the world only deviate from their intended speed up to a certain point, before wrapping around to being slow again.
I think what's happening is I am constantly throwing away microscopic delays which are introduced during the rendering loop and this causes the world's internal clock to rapidly desync even though it is very close, because it simply forgets about that extra time when calculating w_ticksDue.
@xianc78 At that point you might as well ditch the degree and save money to get your company off the ground.
Be honest: college is a scam especially in cases like computer science where they make you waste money and time on superfluous classes, and the only worthwhile thing you get out of it is maybe you'll get hired somewhere
I have been doing some research on the inline keyword in C++, since my IDE (CLion) is... giving it a lot of preferential treatment.
From what I have read, correct me if I am wrong, it is primarily an optimization **when used on functions**. Forcing the compiler to insert the function contents directly wherever it's called when it assembles into opcode, removing the overhead of calling a subroutine, but potentially decreasing efficiency in other ways--low level CPU cache/branch predict stuff the compiler will probably decide for me anyway and that I don't have a great understanding of yet.
However, I cannot find a super clear answer on what cons this may have for *variables*.
Say I have a static variable in a namespace:
namespace stuff { uint8_t x = 69; }
What are some potential DRAWBACKS, if any, to making this inline? I can only find information on advantages, but that it should otherwise be left alone because the compiler will do it anyway if it's analysis deems necessary. The consensus seems to be "none" but I want to be sure because there is a lot of bad advice out there.
Okay so I've tried about a million different things and everything either just A. goes super speed, B. Freezes after Tick #2 or C. Behaves exactly the same
I am 100% certain this should be working because it is exactly what I did with the FPS cap...
I think part of the reason overclocking is so popular is because hardware manufacturers know they can make more money if they sell you a product that won't last long, and if you break it yourself then you can't blame them for planned obsolescence.
Got permanently banned from Twitter for telling a habitual child abuser to get stuck in cement. Apparently, that counts as a death threat. Merry Christmas!
@xianc78 I like the simplicity of it (only making a 2D game) and the smaller community, plus it was the earliest option I was aware of. I'll try SDL in the future maybe.
Fixed some rendering bugs, worked around an Allegro bug with video playback. We're cooking soon. Gonna take a break to finish Firestar 1.3 before I continue on the game and then I'm ready to start programming the 2D scene graph.