I wonder if 20 years of cramming "#hackers" into every story that involves computers being broken (or broken into) has anything to do with #Canada banning #FlipperZero? :thaenkin:
Surely, media focusing every such story, for decades, on some nebulous "hackers" instead of on companies who could not be bothered to secure their stuff properly in no way affected the public perception of who's to blame. :blobcatcoffee:
But please, do tell me how we should not fight for this term anymore. 🙄
3/ Na prośbę Panoptykonu SIN reprezentują przed sądem pro bono adw. Łukasz Lasek, adw. Bartosz Troczyński i radca prawny Piotr Golędzinowski z kancelarii Wardyński i Wspólnicy.
Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy wspierali nas w walce z gigantem, a w szczególności tym, którzy wpłacili na tłumaczenie pozwu (tak, Facebook nie rozumie po polsku i nie zatrudnia prawników mówiących w tym języku ;)).
Szczególne podziękowania także dla Sylwii Czubkowskiej, dziennikarki, która była z nami od początku sprawy.
@wolf480pl feeling superior doesn't have to involve contempt. Some people are objectively better at certain things than other people. Noting that can be just observing reality, not necesarily in a contemptious way
@anedroid@mozilla well, I believe browsers will continue to support it in order to be backwards-conpatible. My point is that whatever new language will appear, most likely thanks to wasm you'll be able to use it in a browser without any additional effort on the browser vendor's side
@anedroid@mozilla exactly! With wasm, it can be any language, without having the browser vendors and standard bodies extending the platform with twelve more langeages, you just need one wasm runtime
Podcaster, blogger, programmer, teetotaler. Co-founder of Sealcode (https://www.sealcode.it/), creator of Sealious (https://hub.sealcode.org/source/sealious/). Privacy and security educator at https://www.internet-czas-dzialac.pl/Opting in to make my profile searchable