Notices by Witch Hunter Siegfired (, page 3
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Thursday, 14-Nov-2024 20:00:10 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @Umlaut Jeetery is bad because jeets, just like Christian niggers are bad, That's really it, Regardless of faith the Aryan is the supreme race simple 'as. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2024 10:03:02 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @egirlyuumimain @Paultron @WashedOutGundamPilot @Terry @dj @Orkin_Awk @comradepond Pushing jews down the stairs is based actually. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 21:03:32 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @deVoid That’s because it’s a meme edit of a troon comic. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 17:33:14 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @KuteboiCoder @PraxisOfEvil I'm a mid zoomer lol -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 17:26:26 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @PraxisOfEvil While it sadly won't ever return and was slightly before my time, 2016 was truly a magical era. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 14:35:02 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @suquili @nerthos @binkle @dudenamedben33 @bot That sounds fucking gross, Libtard principles are fucking gay to say the least, ceding those subhumans ground is worse, regardless though I do have a critique (disclaimer for whatever reason, I think due to being private I can't see the other guys comments), the "Alt Right" describes a very specific movement that if you ask me has came and went, the whole Spencer (before he went FULL retard) and the shit surrounding Trump in 2016/2017 there still are figures I'd call that, but Dissident Right is my favorite Catch-all for us due to that. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 14:34:25 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @BowsacNoodle @suquili @nerthos @binkle @dudenamedben33 @bot Not sure how workable that’s be, for ever JLP you could work with at a decent compromise there’s 1000+ Floyds, doubly so if our rise would come from ruin. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 02:06:04 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @xianc78 @PurpCat @arc @Mr_NutterButter As a Poaster and a former Gabber I know why this stupid shit happens, it's cus we've got no enemies to argue with here, nor the things in victory we have to do, and given we're all obviously quite stubborn and idealistic (we wouldn't be here if not), stupid arguments happen, in regards to that one I believe the stars are our birthright in a way, granted I'm not a Christian, I'm an Armanist, so there's the theological arguments aren't relevant, just as our forebears charged down from the steppes and conquered Europe, India, Iran and probably more, and later settled the Americans shall we claim the stars. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:00:27 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @MK2boogaloo A (imo alot more fitting) cover -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:00:13 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @MK2boogaloo The animated ROTK added this so it makes it up for it lol (though there’s an excuse, It’s a bard retelling the story hence the musical numbers) -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 13:41:37 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @WashedOutGundamPilot @PraxisOfEvil @MeBigbrain What I meant is nagging him won't work when for every one person put out with him there's 1000 more retards sucking his dick. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 13:11:38 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @PraxisOfEvil @MeBigbrain @WashedOutGundamPilot The problem is he’s got a literal cult of personality, he said it himself, he could shoot someone in broad daylight and it wouldn’t change anything -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Saturday, 09-Nov-2024 14:24:41 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @ArdainianRight There in lays the rub, there is no political solution simple 'as, the only way to stop our enemies to is to make them stop as it were. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Saturday, 09-Nov-2024 11:13:18 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired Thank you mr MOSSAD man for the argument against muh NAXALT -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Friday, 08-Nov-2024 22:37:24 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired (((Modern Fantasy))) is so gay. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Thursday, 07-Nov-2024 16:55:01 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @Moto_Chagatai Like the guy but he dislikes anime and loves goyball, so I'd wager that's why. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 20:19:52 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired What do you guys think about active clubs, I'm tempted to join one (IDK which lol) sometime and am curious. -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 20:19:50 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @Morghur @grizzlywhisker I’d fucking kill to meet fellow Chuddy nerds irl, instead of the fags I was stuck with, IDK how I’d find em them though lol -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Nov-2024 15:07:38 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired Final verdict, As much as I enjoyed the game the length is a bit much (Glad I bought it on sale, it was still worth it), that 5.7 hours is 2 playthroughs, one on Easy and one on Harbinger (Hard), plus a challenge mode run and a bit of idling time (so probably played for more like 5 hours). -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Monday, 04-Nov-2024 15:59:39 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @supersid333 @ChristiJunior @EdBoatConnoisseur Aye, I've seen people get grumpy if "their guy" loose the hypothetical fight, it's just silly.