Set amidst COVID-19 arriving in Arizona, "The Seeds Our Ancestors Planted" is an inspiring short film that follows student Kai Begay as he joins a growing food renaissance across Navajo Nation.
The film is followed by a panel discussion with filmmakers, producers, and local food champions who were featured in and created the film:
- Jonathan and Phefelia Nez, former president and first lady of the Navajo Nation
- Kai Bega, mechanical engineering student at Northern Arizona University
- Shonri Begay, film producer, and local food advocate
- Oakley Anderson-Moore, filmmaker, Little Sure Shot Films
- Al Reinhard, filmmaker, Little Sure Shot Films
- Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
The Seeds Our Ancestors Planted was filmed by Oakley Anderson-Moore and Kai Begay. Thumbnail artwork by Faith Begay.
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