@ninja8tyu Though I believe that actually was Marisa and not the Jailbreak king at the time. The chapter implies Kaguya was always the possessed one until Satori shows up. Cheating Detective Satori's mystery is an absolute mess to follow.
@ninja8tyu Considering how she handles eating anything but extremely traditional Japanese food, no :flan_smug2: Maybe that's why she wanted out so quickly
@MK2boogaloo@ninja8tyu Oh no I gave up on the plot long ago :cirno_laugh:. This shit's so convoluted and ass backward, but nothing actually happened from the SDM showing all the way to just until the end of Myouren Temple that just happened. solid ~3 years of nothing chapters. I just read for the cute fun moments like Flan declaring she's a god of destruction
@MK2boogaloo@ninja8tyu The plot itself is best summarized by Satori in the recent chapters where the plot is picking back up again. This entire thing as been one big Danmaku STG, but overextended into a format of manga. Girl is causing incident by possessing people, she needs to be dealt with. It just seems so much harder to follow because of the 28 chapters of poorly written mystery fluff before we got to this point. Goddamn the point we're at though is giving some really good panels, like the 2 page section of Reimu going into it on her own terms this time, instead of playing along with the idea of solving the mystery. Honestly if this were a STG, where the plot is now would be around stage 3-4, we now know of a culprit and location, it's all about figuring out why she did it and how to stop her.