@ryuuji@LolikingSama They're not all that forthcoming with that until you see the crypto connection (they seemingly understand the negative image and don't mention web3), but yeah it was a given. I can't wait for Web4 where we do privacy but not tie it to some retarded techbro concept that fundamentally doesn't work for most of the net. Or it could just be techbros making crypto 2, an even more complicated and worse system (which currently is what all investment firms are hoping for). Your choice really.
@LolikingSama As someone else earlier on Varis brought up, this game was dead in the water regardless. The last thing a gacha needs is a tie to fucking crypto and techbro garbage.
@LolikingSama Wait this is worse than I thought, they're not just a gacha tied to crypto, they're outright running a crypto scam under the veil of a gacha that will release. They've been actively encouraging buying and holding crypto they're partnered and sponsored by with rewards and more crypto. Game probably wont ever release, and the crypto partnerships will likely be rugpulled in the near future for maximum profit. Despite all this crypto and investment encouragement, the game's only trailer is pitiful. The "action" is mostly unity store stuff. Basic healthbar, no text, no other UI, a generic minimalist world. It reeks of a cheap game made quick when the only unique parts are the models and art. There's not even any projected platforms for the game nor mention of being a gacha (though we all know it will be). I don't think this game's all that far into development from what little is here, mostly just the initial concept and basic gameplay demo. There's another trailer posted earlier with greater detail, but it's also never all that special. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0SVKYJsHac
Dunkag (iffine@varishangout.net)'s status on Thursday, 20-Feb-2025 23:19:43 JST
Dunkaghttps://github.com/CuteSuwakoFroggyThighs/Kubinashi-Randomization Updated the randomizer, now includes alternate character stages from early demos of the game still left in the code. 5 for Rumia, 5 for Seija, and 7 for Cirno. These stages also work without the randomizer enabled, so if you only wish to check them out you can download the mod and disregard the randomizer part. The doors will only appear after beating the game though. Next up is randomizing characters per stage, but that's going to take a bit of extra work. Not every stage is beatable as every character, going to need to sort through and figure out how far I can go with that.
@Meemoo :cirno_stare: Why. There was no reason to drop support. It can't be that expensive on the cards (for a technology from the 2000s). Quite a large number of games used it. Who benefits from this? Marketing's already hit the bottom of the barrel on these things turning into personal heaters, why refuse to publicize ditching a tech that's so integral to some games? Gets worse by the day. :cirno_laugh:
@lapin :cirno_think: How accursed of a creation would even one scene of Bakemonogatari with that sort of dialogue be? I couldn't begin to fathom it.
Dunkag (iffine@varishangout.net)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 22:49:53 JST
DunkagAfter a whole lot of work, Cirno and Rumia's stages are both re-implemented. All that's left is reintroducing Seija's cut content (though that content was cut for good reason), some testing, and then pushing the update to the randomizer. Modding gamemaker still hurts but at least I understand why the program kept erroring me out so often now. Turns out it can't read what you create unless it's made before you write it. So if I ever make an object after code that calls the object, immediately I need to go back and make the code refresh.
@Kyonko802 I think I've seen her come back once already, but that thought got drowned out by how absurd the volumes she starts returning in are. Not sure where the anime ends, but the author is having tons of fun with powerscaling jokes in later volumes and exploring the world outside of one single plot line (crazy how hard that is for so many LN authors). I'll admit I'm also just not partial to her myself from the LN experience, mostly just pity her for being who she is and having to deal with Yumiella existing. If she's more interesting in the anime then I guess I oughta give it a shot sooner rather than later, going to have to piece together a pile of torrents into a folder then.
@Kyonko802 Holy shit there's no Blu-Ray releases of this on nyaa. The anime aired nearly a full year ago and BluRay releases were shortly after. Practically no uploads after it finished airing though. :cirno_cry: I know it's not mandatory but I always want the best quality if I know it exists
@Xeraser >Extremely pervy with sharp ears Damn, did this book contain the magic of the tengu? Can't think of anyone else whose magic could possess Kosuzu with a hentai book and leave her like this.
@Kyonko802 Didn't check the anime, Alicia isn't actually all that important a character in the LNs honestly. Well, she's still important but the LNs really love telling the story of Yumiella, Patrick, and Eleanora more. I might even call her comedic relief because she's just so utterly stupid upon entering any scene. Actually still meaning to check out the anime, just never grabbed it.
@lapin 495 year old shut-in (willingly by the way contrary to popular opinion) may not be a child, but she's got a childish mindset (sometimes). Absolute sex.